Uninstall your app from your device and then close your bridge, re-start it and then make sure your IDE is connected to your device, compile your program and you should have solved the problem.
give me error
Check dependencies
Code Signing Error: Provisioning profile "washcomnt" has app ID "washco.app", which does not match the bundle ID "washco.app.bridge".
Code Signing Error: Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 11.2'
old package is washco.app
i change to washco.app.app
but same problem
Check dependencies
Code Signing Error: Provisioning profile "washcomnt" has app ID "washco.app", which does not match the bundle ID "washco.app.app.bridge".
Code Signing Error: Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 11.2'