iOS Question b4i bridge error user ide


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Hi all.
My name is Frank, I'm starting with B4I and when I try to install the b4i bridge it gives me the following error:
B4i Versión: 5.51
Parseando code. (0.00s)
Construction of folder structure. (0.02s)
Compiling code. (0.00s)
Compiling the designer's application. (0.00s)
Compiling project Xcode (0.12s)
Sending data to the remote compiler. Error
The mobileprovision file could not be found.

Sorry if there are errors in the text I am Spanish and I am using the translator.
Thank you
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Active Member
Licensed User
maybe lost file name it " Development.mobileprovision " in folder keys
file certificates
most download file from your account in apple
from Provisioning Profiles-- Development
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