Hi all,
In the B4A version of the app (using B4XPages framework from @Erel) I created a two buttons that directly opens a WhatsApp chat and a phone call with a specific recipient number that I pass as a parameter (see CODE1 and CODE2 below).
The question is: "which is the corresponding code for B4i version (#if B4i) ?
In the B4A version of the app (using B4XPages framework from @Erel) I created a two buttons that directly opens a WhatsApp chat and a phone call with a specific recipient number that I pass as a parameter (see CODE1 and CODE2 below).
The question is: "which is the corresponding code for B4i version (#if B4i) ?
'CODE 1...
#if B4A
private phonenum as string = "000000000000"
private WA_URI as string = "https://wa.me/" & phonenum
Private p As PhoneIntents
#End If
#if B4i
'..... ?
#End If
'CODE 2...
private phonenum as string = "000000000000"
If phonenum = "" Then
toast.VerticalCenterPercentage = 50
#if B4A
Dim i As Intent:i.Initialize(i.ACTION_VIEW, "tel:" & phonenum)
#End If
#if B4i
#End If
End If
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