iOS Question b4i has any new requirements to compile correctly?


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Hi All,

I recently upgraded to b4i 3.6 and am having issues to compile previously successfully compiled projects. I was first getting timeout to compiler (Host Builder) and now getting system out of memory error. Is this an issue on my side or the host builder?



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Also if noteworthy of mention. There was an error reported by the compiler that the filepath and name was too long. This was not the case with previous versions. I have since moved the path for the project and the keys to c:\b4i as compared to c:\program files\anywhere software\b4i. That error stopped coming up but the new timeout and out of memory error started.

Please help
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This was the compiler out of memory error dialog


  • error1.png
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This was the compiler out of memory error dialog
Is there a new Java jdk minimum version required or something of the sort. I just tried to compile/build an untouched project that compiled/built perfectly on the previous version of b4i.

I have not received a response as yet on the forum nor via email. Please let me know if there is an issue with the host builders or I need to make a configuration change to have a functioning b4i.

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Could my User ID be the root cause and I need to use another ID? Or my ID needs to be reset?
Ive tried compiling several projects and n different ISP's no firewall issues.

where does the issue reside? Host Builder or b4i client
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Hi Erel,

Please note these are projects of small to medium sized projects that all compiled successfully in previius versions of B4i.
That being said I will say what I tried thus far.

1. Tried compiling 2 existing projects that timedout. Small b4i projects

2. Tried compiling on different networks to the internet. No firewall issues

3. The 3 types of responses when failed are:
a) Timeout
b) System memory failure
c) File or pathname too long. This was weird so I used a shorter path by moving my Keys and Project folders closer to the root of drive c: this error went away but I wonder if it has a role to play in my current issue

Might I ask to try a new user Id for Host Builder in the event that account is hung up. Secondly I wonder at times an IP can be blacklisted from servers. Can you check that for me please. I will provide any info you require such as my IP or User ID.

I am hoping this is temedied soon I have some major updates to make to my Apps.

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Can you upload one small project or send it to ?
Ok I will send a small project via email for your kind analysis. I must confess I am confused why the remote compiler doesnt just come and pinpoint the bug rather than hang. Maybe a new project manifest is different from older versions of b4i.

Anyway I am glad for your direct help and Im confident now the root cause and solution will be found with your help.
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Can you upload one small project or send it to ?
Hi Erel,

I found something peculiar. Firstly I decided to make a project sample from scratch and sure enough even this failed to compile. I went to look at the rc.dat and temp.dat files created during compilation and they were 1gig each! They stopped growing in size essentially the process froze till the usual timeout error. That's madness for skeleton project!

What can cause that? Do you think trying a new user ID would help or is the problem my b4i IDE is causing this or the host builder communicating back garbage for some reason? Should I uninstall and reinstall b4i?

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It is not related to the hosted builder.

Unzip rc.dat with 7zip and see what makes it so large. This is not normal.
So this behavoour requires me to uninstall and reinstall to see what happens.

I will exam the file to see if it highlights what may be the cause if the content is teadable.

I asked about the userid being one cause for the timeouts. I didnt get a response do I assume that is not a method to try?
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I didnt get a response do I assume that is not a method to try?
See my previous post. It is not related to the hosted builder (or the user id).

So this behavoour requires me to uninstall and reinstall to see what happens.
Click on Ctrl + P (clean project) and run it. What is the size of rc.dat? If it is huge then open it with 7zip and see what makes it so large. It should be small (up to a few megabytes).
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Ok on the userid. I wanted to be clear on that being not a possible to try.

The file is huge which only started with v3.6. I will try viewing the file to see if there are any msgs to indicate why.

I did try the usual clean project etc with no change in the outcome.

If that yields no solution are their any issues uninstalling and reinstalling that may require me to re register the b4i?

Im hoping its a simple dll version conflict or something that an uninstall/reinstall will solve.

Out of curiousity are their logs of my userid logging into the host builder or showing any timeouts or disconnects that appear odd.

I have one feature request of the compiling prompts from the b4i dialog. To show if b4i is waiting for a response at each stage so we can trouble shoot issues better and also dismiss any ideas thinking the host builder is not functiining correctly.
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Oh before I forget to ask. Why is it stating filename or path too long. If so the msg needs to state less than 100 characters not 260. I think it is a step backwatds from previous versions which allowed longer in my humble view
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Oh before I forget to ask. Why is it stating filename or path too long. If so the msg needs to state less than 100 characters not 260. I think it is a step backwatds from previous versions which allowed longer in my humble view
Hi Erel

I uninstalled and reinstalled. Same issue. I did spot that for some strange reason when compiling it starts copying all the files and folders into the \Objects\src\B4iProject from the \Projects directory which in essense is copying all my projects in the Objects sub folders. This never happened before only with v3.6. Can you send me a fresh copy of 3.6 just in case. This behaviour is really really odd!
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Lets start with solving the huge size of rc.dat.

I did spot that for some strange reason when compiling it starts copying all the files and folders into the \Objects\src\B4iProject from the \Projects directory which in essense is copying all my projects in the Objects sub folders.
I don't understand. You shouldn't put any file under the Objects folder. This folder is maintained by the compiler.

Have you opened rc.dat? Can you post a screenshot with its content?
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Hi Erel

I concur I dont put any file in the Objects folder the compiler was doing that.

I got it to behave but sadly only when I put the Project in the root for example. If the Project is Game I put the project files in c:\Game. The installation is c:\B4i\ where resides the \Project , I leave it empty.

There is something causing a recursive file fetch loop if I put the games project in c:\B4i\Project\Game\

This never happened before in any version prior to 3.6 I'm happy I found a work around but hope what is causing it you can remedy in the next release. Until then it seems I have to make my C: drive look ugly with project folders
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Hi Erel

I dont know if this will help but it seems if the any aspect of the folder in which you have your project files resides has the word 'project' is when the issue happens.. I think. too tired to verify, just glad I am back to functional to test updates!
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