iOS Question B4i - local builder with Mac M1 (Silicon)


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Longtime User
Just wanted to let the community know that B4i, using the local builder option, works just fine with the new Mac M1 (Silicon) computers, at least using the Simulator.

Edit: not sure yet if it works 100% when deploying to the iPhone. I have some problems. The simulator works just fine.

I have been using a Mac Mini M1, with 16GB of ram, for more than 2 months now and I just LOVE it. I never thought I would become a Mac-user, even partially, but now I might ?
It is super fast, especially with all apps running natively but even the "emulated" mode i.e. Rossetta2, just flies! And for being a Mac, it actually cost very little, even compared to Windows computers.

Anyway, here is a screenshot with B4i and the Simulator from the Mac (connected using VNC). I still have to try to deploy it on the iPhone itself but I guess it should work just fine.

(sorry for the size of the image)

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Licensed User
Longtime User
no, for now, I am running B4i from my Windows-machine and then connect to my Mac using VNC to see the Simulator (like in the picture) above.
Parallels is still in beta for Mac Silicon since it is running on Arm. Also, you need to download and install Arm (64bit) for Windows 10 which also is in beta. It will get there slowly and then maybe I will switch.
Of course, if you are using an Intel-based Mac, then it is already possible.
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Longtime User
Not sure yet if deploying to the iPhone works.
I have problems with the system asking for a password to the keychain with "B4i" and the password is not accepted and then there is a time-out.
I believe I had similar issues in the past also on my Intel-based Mac - maybe it is due to the fact that I use XCode too for development in Swift.
I deleted and revoked all certificates, keys, and so on but still no luck.
Not really sure what the problem is and if it is related to Mac M1 (Silicon" and/or MacOS Big Sur) or not?

However, the SImulator works great...
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Of course, I am also using the hosted builder which is working flawlessly but still, I want to get the local builder working.
I don't think it really depends on Mac Silicon but probably something else since I had similar problems also in the past with an Intel-based Mac.
As Erel says, it is probably related to Xcode and the keychain and when you use Xcode for native Mac development.

I will update the thread if I get everything sorted.
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