B4J Question B4j Beta 8.5 ide://


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Longtime User
I tried creating a zip file from a UI project by control clicking:

'Ctrl + click to export as zip: ide://run?File=%B4X%\Zipper.jar&Args=Project.zip

These are the logs:

Collecting files
Root: D:\Documents\AnywhereSoftware\B4j
Found 13215 file(s)
Completed. Exit code: -1

It appears that the root is not set correctly and it finds a few too many files.

It works OK from a B4xPages project

Zipper v1.00
Collecting files
Root: D:\Documents\AnywhereSoftware\B4j\TestPages
Found 12 file(s)
Success. Zip size: 8KB
Completed. Exit code: 0


Well-Known Member
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@Erel a couple of questions regarding the ide links;

1. Can we only use jar files or can we use any executable?
2. Is the source for Zipper available? Is this a B4X executable or Java?
3. Are there any special return values we need to be aware of in the executable (ge return 0 for OK, 1 for fail etc)
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Licensed User
Longtime User
2. Is the source for Zipper available? Is this a B4X executable or Java?
See Zipper.jar in B4J Installationfolder.
1. Can we only use jar files or can we use any executable?
Every Executeable.
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