I have used FileChoser> ShowOpenMultiple to allow the user to select a group of files that I want to then copy to a folder of my choosing.
The list items returned include the 'combined' folder path and file name. i.e.
All of the copy/paste or file move functions I have found all seem to require separate source and target paths and separate file names to operate.
Is there are way to copy using the above 'combined' items directly or do I have to extract the source path and file name from each of the list items?
If necessary, you can split the user choice as follows (add error detection if necessary):
Split folder and filename with internal libraries:
Dim myString As String = $"C:\Users\McMahon\Desktop\Test3\BC230896.pdf"$
Dim Parts() As String = Regex.Split("\\", myString)
Dim FileName As String = Parts(Parts.Length - 1)
Log (FileName)
Dim Folder As String =myString.SubString2(0, myString.IndexOf(FileName))