I am trying to create a custom list view with various views such as combo Boxes, text fields solor pickers:
The code in question is:
There are two records picked up in the graphSetupList and the list iterates around the for-next loop twice as expected, but I don't end up with two items in my custom list view, viz:
The item added is showing the second record of the graphSetupList.
I looked at a B4A example that I wrote which worked, but the syntax is a bit different in B4J and I couldn't find an example using a custom list view. The libraries I am using are:
I also didn't know what to put as the second parameter:
So I just put the height of the custom panel in.
It's obviously something simple can someone help?
Best regards
I fixed it I forgot to set the size of the panel.
It's hard to get good help these days
I am trying to create a custom list view with various views such as combo Boxes, text fields solor pickers:
The code in question is:
Custom List Add Item:
Sub Class_Globals
Private graphSetupRec As graphSetupRec_t
Private graphSetupList As List ...
End Sub
Public Sub Initialize (Callback As Object, EventName As String)
mEventName = EventName
mCallBack = Callback
End Sub
Sub CreateGraphSetupListItem As Pane
Dim p As AnchorPane
'Set fields from data base list'
lblID.Text = graphSetupRec.ID
txtXgTitle.Text = graphSetupRec.title ...
cbShowXUnits.Checked = graphSetupRec.showXUnits
Return p
End Sub
Private Sub getGraphSetupRecords(grpID As Int) As ResumableSub
Dim req As DBRequestManager = CreateRequest(rdcLink)
Dim cmd As DBCommand
' Get the Graph Setup Data Set for the Current Garph Group ID
cmd = CreateCommand("getGraphSetup", Array As String(grpID))
Wait For (req.ExecuteQuery(cmd, 0, Null)) JobDone(j As HttpJob)
If j.Success Then
req.HandleJobAsync(j, "req")
Wait For (req) req_Result(res As DBResult)
Process the results
For Each row() As Object In res.Rows
Private graphSetupRec As graphSetupRec_t
graphSetupRec.ID = row(0) ...
graphSetupRec.showXUnits = intToBool(row(32))
' Add to custom list view of Graph Setups
cViewGraphSetups.Add(CreateGraphSetupListItem, 185)
Return False
Log("ERROR: " & j.ErrorMessage)
End If
Return True
Return False
End Try
End Sub
There are two records picked up in the graphSetupList and the list iterates around the for-next loop twice as expected, but I don't end up with two items in my custom list view, viz:
The item added is showing the second record of the graphSetupList.
I looked at a B4A example that I wrote which worked, but the syntax is a bit different in B4J and I couldn't find an example using a custom list view. The libraries I am using are:
I also didn't know what to put as the second parameter:
cViewGraphSetups.Add(CreateGraphSetupListItem, 185)
So I just put the height of the custom panel in.
It's obviously something simple can someone help?
Best regards
I fixed it I forgot to set the size of the panel.
p.SetSize(1000, 185)
It's hard to get good help these days
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