Hello again,
I want to send a ping to a server but I don't know how to use the RunMethod for Java Objects.
I've found some result, but just for B4A and there the "ping" is not working properly.
I know the keywords, but I don't know how to use them? (InetAddress.IsReachable
P.S.: Is there a tutorial available for using java objects (with some real examples)?
I like Rob's Code Database but this should be here on this server.
I want to send a ping to a server but I don't know how to use the RunMethod for Java Objects.
I've found some result, but just for B4A and there the "ping" is not working properly.
Sub ping(server as String)
Dim jo As JavaObject
Dim ping = jo.RunMethod(???) As String
End Sub
I know the keywords, but I don't know how to use them? (InetAddress.IsReachable
P.S.: Is there a tutorial available for using java objects (with some real examples)?
I like Rob's Code Database but this should be here on this server.