B4J is nice but ....


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I am here for B4a, not B4J

B4J postings are always showing up when I search for B4a stuff.

Just my opinion


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Ooh a hint!

Hear that everyone?

This is the best forum ever so I guess we'll just need to learn advanced searching.

Ok, now let me guess.... B4i ?



Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
I did have this brilliant idea when I was coding in machine code on the commodore 64 doing interrupt driven routines.

I figured out a way to attach CBM64s together using V++ and Gnd and one signal wire (from the parallel port, nay User Port as it was known then) where each machine would announce its presence by first announcing a random number (its address) then be able to communicate serially via an interrupt driven routine.

I'd figured out 'data collision' and everything (easy, you wait a random amount of milliseconds before checking for then sending on a clear channel)

Turns out it was already invented.

they called it 'networking'


I was robbed
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