B4J Question B4J Liberica JDK RPi and fullscreen mode


Licensed User
Longtime User

has anybody found a way to prevent that Java VM enters always fullscreen Mode?? I am using Liberica JDK 11.0.1 on RPi 3B+.
Thanks for help!



Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Erel,

I found a simple solution, it worked without problems with my jar file (HW Raspberry 3B+, OS Raspbian 10 Buster, Liberica JDK 11.0.1:
Locate the Liberica JDK11 file: $Javapath/lib/javafx.platform.properties on the raspberry.
Change the first entry from javafx.platform=Monocle to javafx.platform=x11.
Start the jar as usual with sudo java -jar xxxx.jar.
Java starts and complains that there are no settings for x11 (because all settings are for Monocle) but continues and shows the jar app in a nice window!
The technical background is probably that the java app has a much faster access to the video stacks with Monocle mode(for 3D or OpenGL applications). But for normal apps x11 should work fine (my jar uses audiotrack and threading and runs with x11 as smooth as with Monocle).

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