Your test app runs fine here under openJDK11.0.2+7 + javafx-sdk-11.0.2
It's how you run it under 11 that will cause most problems.
Double clicking the jar wont work as it needs 2 extra bits of information
1, Where the modules for javafx are located
2, a command to add the controls modules.
simply put - its easier to run from a batch file(or equivalent)
I just add a few lines of code to my app to create the batch file for me
in appstart I have
#If Release
makeRunner("test1") ' name of the output jar usually the same as this filename
#End If
and a sub called makeRunner
Sub makeRunner(jar As String)
Dim out As TextWriter
out.WriteLine("rem Generated run file")
out.WriteLine($"java --module-path=D:\javafx-sdk-11.0.2\lib --add-modules=javafx.controls -jar ${jar}.jar"$)
End Sub
This will create a file called runner.bat, in the same directory as the jar, that I can double click to run the app.
Obviously you may need to change the path to where your openjfx is located.
The path seems rather picky. If the path has a space in it you can use " " around the path, if it doesn't have a space you can't use " " around it.