I am using this library and downloaded the sample,. works great however I nmeed to plug into the location variables x and y.
It appears to be min.sec
How do I convert the deg.mins.sec to m.s ?
I pull the colon out and remove the comma for example but places the marker / actual location approx 15km away.
The device gps hands to android device app
Lat = -33:13.19136 Lon = 150:35.35815
I send this to the server side and need to display on pc in b4j app. GoogleMaps libray wants different format. How is this acheived please ?
It appears to be min.sec
How do I convert the deg.mins.sec to m.s ?
I pull the colon out and remove the comma for example but places the marker / actual location approx 15km away.
The device gps hands to android device app
Lat = -33:13.19136 Lon = 150:35.35815
I send this to the server side and need to display on pc in b4j app. GoogleMaps libray wants different format. How is this acheived please ?