B4J Question B4J Packager11 and Raspberry Pi - problem with Release


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Hi guys... Need little help...
I need to install GUI app on Raspberry Pi ver 4. I installed Bellsoft java 11 (which include javaFx modules). I want to use B4J packager11 for creating release app... Bridge working perfect, I can connect to raspberry - picture below:

But - when i run B4J (with connection on Rasperry PI) the system starts to creating jar, after I received a error... Picture:

I research all of web and can not find any solution regarding the error... Need I insall some JavaFX modules or?

Please, need help...

Tnx, Darko


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Are you using the external tool to build the package from the json file?
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@aeric: No, i'm using external B4j Project - B4JPacker11... Should I try with integrated B4JPackager11?
Basicaly - I need to create jar for raspberryPi (=Linux); this work perfectly on other linux machines, but not on raspberry PI... (need to solve a problem with desktop app for Raspberry)...
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I haven’t tried with raspberry pi. I just got my rpi today and haven’t found an SD card to install an OS.
I saw this is quite an old thread maybe you can try to install the version recommended by Erel.
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@aeric, thank you for help... I'm aready read all this documents in Forum and I can not find any solution which is related to JFX... Do you think - I need to install clasical JFX for Java11 for Linux? I'm still using Bellsoft liberica JDK...
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Have you tried this solution?
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Yes, I tryed most everything... I'm sure the problem is in B4JPackager11 (as @Erel described - This will work only with OpenJdk11 (while system expects folders like JFX)...

Folder not found: /usr/lib/jvm/bellsoft-java11-full-arm32-vfp-hflt/bin/../javafx/javafx-jmods

I try to change the javafx folder to existing javafx mods folder and this works, but - I'm getting next error:

Error: Module dio contains package jdk.dio.generic, module jdk.dio exports package jdk.dio.generic to dio

maybe will somebody find out what can be done; I give up...
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Hi @DarkoT ,
Are you able to run in Debug Mode with B4J-Bridge?

I tried but my VNC Viewer screen freeze.

WARNING: Unknown module: javafx.swing specified to --add-opens
WARNING: Unknown module: javafx.swing specified to --add-opens
WARNING: Unknown module: javafx.swing specified to --add-opens
WARNING: package com.sun.glass.ui.win not in javafx.graphics
WARNING: package com.sun.prism.d3d not in javafx.graphics
WARNING: Unknown module: javafx.swt specified to --add-opens
WARNING: Unknown module: javafx.swing specified to --add-opens
Exception in thread "Event Thread"
at javafx.graphics/com.sun.glass.ui.monocle.X11Cursor.<init>(X11Cursor.java:52)
at javafx.graphics/com.sun.glass.ui.monocle.X11WarpingCursor.<init>(X11WarpingCursor.java:31)
at javafx.graphics/com.sun.glass.ui.monocle.X11Platform.createCursor(X11Platform.java:67)
at javafx.graphics/com.sun.glass.ui.monocle.NativePlatform.getCursor(NativePlatform.java:92)
at javafx.graphics/com.sun.glass.ui.monocle.MouseInput.setState(MouseInput.java:128)
at javafx.graphics/com.sun.glass.ui.monocle.MonocleApplication.staticScreen_getScreens(MonocleApplication.java:235)
at javafx.graphics/com.sun.glass.ui.Screen.initScreens(Screen.java:412)
at javafx.graphics/com.sun.glass.ui.Application.lambda$run$1(Application.java:152)
at javafx.graphics/com.sun.glass.ui.monocle.RunnableProcessor.runLoop(RunnableProcessor.java:92)
at javafx.graphics/com.sun.glass.ui.monocle.RunnableProcessor.run(RunnableProcessor.java:51)
at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:834)
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Now I follow this solution by @Bruce McGregor :

I am able to run in Debug mode.

Download Linux ARM Full version.

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cd /usr/
pi@raspberrypi:/usr $ sudo mkdir java
pi@raspberrypi:/usr $ cd /home/pi/Downloads/
pi@raspberrypi:~/Downloads $ sudo cp bellsoft-jdk11.0.14.1+1-linux-arm32-vfp-hflt-full.tar.gz /usr/java
pi@raspberrypi:~/Downloads $ cd /usr/java
pi@raspberrypi:/usr/java $ sudo tar -xf bellsoft-jdk11.0.14.1+1-linux-arm32-vfp-hflt-full.tar.gz
pi@raspberrypi:/usr/java $ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/java/jdk- 1000
update-alternatives: using /usr/java/jdk- to provide /usr/bin/java (java) in auto mode
pi@raspberrypi:/usr/java $ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac /usr/java/jdk- 1000
update-alternatives: using /usr/java/jdk- to provide /usr/bin/javac (javac) in auto mode
pi@raspberrypi:/usr/java $ java -version
openjdk version "" 2022-02-08 LTS
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build
OpenJDK 32-Bit Server VM (build, mixed mode)
pi@raspberrypi:/usr/java $ javac -version
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Oo... That's sound very optimistic... I will try and give you echo on your sugestion...
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I ran into same error when creating release.
I am running 32bit Raspberrypi OS on Raspberry Pi 4B and using 32bit Belsoft Liberica OpenJDK 11.0.14. If I am not mistaken, B4JPackager11 requires 64bit Java.

pi@raspberrypi:/usr/java/jdk- $ java -jar tempjars/B4JPackager11.jar tempjars/packager.json
B4JPackager11 Version 1.21
Exe name: WebAPIClient.exe
InputJar: /usr/java/jdk-
Folder not found: /usr/java/jdk-
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I follow yours instructions and now I can run the project (jar). But still I have a problem with B4jPackager and as you already secribed - I'm sure that is problem with java 64 bit and B4jPackager...

When I run B4j over bridge, I receive still error:

In worst case I will create bash script to install all needet java jars to every raspberry pi machine and run created jar (without making the installation)... This will be most easyest way...
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Ya, I also get the same error as yours.

Error: Modules dio and jdk.dio export package jdk.dio.power to module jrt.fs

Something related to jdk.dio that I can't find any solution yet.
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In case anyone has encountered the following error using Bellsoft Liberica Full JDK ARM 32 bit for Linux:
Folder not found: /usr/java/jdk-

Modify B4JPackager11 source code as:
Sub AppStart (Args() As String)
    Java14 = Ver.StartsWith("14")
    'JavafxJmods = ReplaceSlashes(File.Combine(java, "..\javafx\javafx-jmods"))
    'JavaFXLibs = ReplaceSlashes(File.Combine(java, "..\javafx\lib"))
    JavafxJmods = ReplaceSlashes(File.Combine(java, "..\jmods"))
    JavaFXLibs = ReplaceSlashes(File.Combine(java, "..\lib"))
End Sub
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Longtime User
I think I found a solution.
Delete (or rename) the following files inside /usr/java/jdk-

Then run B4JPackager11.jar

Voila! It compiles!
Not sure it is a correct way but at least I can compile the jar using B4JPackager11.

Answer from SO.
Try to remove jrt-fs.jar from the directory of jdk9. I did it in Project Structure in IntelliJ IDEA and it works fine for me
- Aliaksandr Kot
Mar 24, 2017 at 17:11

Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions...rnal-jimage-decompressor-in-module-jrt-fs-and
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