Other B4J v10.2 with support for Python, is available for download


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This update includes a new library named PyBridge, that allows using Python libraries from inside the B4J app. Python is leading the way in fields such as AI, LLM, image recognition and many others. Using PyBridge is not always trivial and it won't be the right tool for every task, however there are many things that weren't possible before and are now possible.


More information: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/165654/#content
Discussions related to PyBridge: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/pages/results/?query=[pybridge]&product=b4j&page=2

Other improvements:
  • Many internal libraries were updated since last release.
  • New internal keywords: Initialized and NotInitialized:
    If Map1 <> Null And Map1.IsInitialized Then ... 'boring
    If Initialized(Map1) Then ... 'less boring
  • #CustomBuildAction arguments are expanded with environment variables and other variables (%PROJECT%, %B4X%, %JAVABIN%, %PROJECT_NAME% and %ADDITIONAL%): https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-comment-links.119897/#content
  • LogColors withs in b4xlibs
  • Fix for logs encoding issue in Java 19+. Note that the following attribute should be added for the same fix with standalone packages (if the terminal output is important):
    #PackagerProperty: VMArgs = -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dsun.stdout.encoding=UTF-8 -Dsun.stderr.encoding=UTF-8
  • B4XCollections: new helper methods: EmptyList, EmptyMap, MergeMaps, MergeLists, CreateList, CopyOnWriteMap and CopyOnWriteList.
  • Panel.LoadLayout no longer deletes the previous tag.
Download link: https://www.b4x.com/b4j.html

Note that the installer is signed with a new code signing key and you might see a smart screen warning when you try to install. Right click on the installer and choose "unblock".
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Just for your information... The latest version of the B4J system – version 10.2 – has a bug.
Programs that worked before can not be compiled...
I don’t know exactly where the issue is, but if I go back to an older version, everything works normally.

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Change Private Initilaized As Boolean by not using Initialized keyword, like Private IsItInitilaized As Boolean
I don't have variable Initilaized as Boolean ... Nowhere in the system...

Sory, I found it... It's was in external library (Drag&Drop2)... There is variable Initialized as Boolean... I will try to change it...
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