Whilst working with the new B4J Visual Designer, thoughts about additional functionality to consider:
- Align Multiple Views (Left, Top, Bottom, Right)
- When duplicating multiple views keep the parent window instead of setting as default Main
- Keep the current property selected when moving to another view (makes it easier to change that property when moving from view-to-view)
- Show width and height when resizing multiple views
- When multiple variants defined, set last used variant as default when reloading the last layout
- Option to change the size of a variant
- Keep the last used zoom size
- Add a button in the B4J IDE to open the internal designer
- If a script has an error, make that visible by a red underline (as in the B4J IDE)
- Consider to add a toolbar with common functions (new, save, B4J IDE, Form WYSIWYG, Generate members...)
- When changing a bitmap filename, change the name in the views property accordingly (where used)