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Edit: v7.51 was released. It fixes several issues related to the search feature.
When the window is not in maximize mode and I enter something in the search field and then I keep pressing that text even without moving I can see an error message flashing but it goes away right away.
Then the docking of the log didn't work and things frooze untill I pressed ESCape then things behaved normal again.
Pressing escape seems to be the key to get out of it. (tested it a few times)
Hi Erel if i download B4J at the following address ( https://www.b4x.com/b4j.html ) when I install the same I always have version 7.32
Where i wrong ?
Thank you
The difference in this update is that the ability to drag the window directly from the title bar elements is disabled. I expect it to fix the issue several developers encountered. Developers who encountered an issue related to the search field should try it and report their results.
Not sure whether it is related however you aren't expected to double click on the results. A single click should be enough. Does it make any difference?
Double click on a line in the Quick Search pane always works, but a single click only works every other time. It looks like it is waiting for a double click without any time out after the first click.
I've never noticed the lack before, as I don't often use search but instead use the double-click highlighting in the scroll bar to locate items, but a line number in each result line would be useful.
Regarding two clicks on a result. If the present line is one that highlights, like Sub or End Sub, the first click removes the highlight but doesn't move the insertion point in the editor. The second click moves it.
It works OK in B4J version 7.32, the selected line is in the middle of the IDE height.
In version 7.51beta1 it works sometimes with one click, or need two clicks.
t works OK in B4J version 7.32, the selected line is in the middle of the IDE height.
In version 7.51beta1 it works sometimes with one click, or need two clicks.