The new version will be installed in "program files" and not in "program files (x86)". It is not a must but it is recommended to uninstall B4J before installing the new version.
Download link:
Switching to 64 bit architecture allows the IDE to better handle large projects.
Other improvements:
TextField (and B4XView) - text alignment.
RUNTIME conditional symbol - this is an automatic symbol that is added during compilation. It can be used to exclude code from the IDE case-corrector.
Bug fixes, including a fix for a bug in the logs that caused the IDE to misfunction.
In case it is not obvious, if you keep the 32 bit version of B4J then be aware that it will share the same configuration files as the 64 bit version so you can't, for example, have different Java SDKs or additional library paths for the two versions. I assume the same will be true for the forthcoming B4A and B4i versions.
In case it is not obvious, if you keep the 32 bit version of B4J then be aware that it will share the same configuration files as the 64 bit version so you can't, for example, have different Java SDKs or additional library paths for the two versions. I assume the same will be true for the forthcoming B4A and B4i versions.
thanks for the new update
in my project , the original b4j 9.30 generated jar file size was around 4mb
now with 9.50 , the generated jar file size is 6mb (same code)
is that normal ?
Just downloaded B4J 9.50.
Uninstalled the previous B4J 32 bit version as per Erel's recommendation.
I tried to compile and run an app that uses XMLBuilder and got a "missing library reference" error.
Then I noticed that XMLBuilder.xml is missing in B4J 9.50 libraries folder .
Extracted it from the zip file attached to THIS post by Erel, and got it solved.
Is XMLBuilder.xml missing in B4J 9.50 installation package?
Yeah, I know it's not.
But, believe it or not, it was there after installation. ?
Did I do anything wrong? Definitely no. Just installed 9.50, started it and the library was there.
Anyway... I'll have B4J 9.50 uninstalled, and reinstalled again. Let's see what happen...
Yeah. I don't know either... ?
Looks like it's been added indeed...
Anyway, I uninstalled 9.50; deleted the entire C:\Program Files\Anywhere Software\ folder and reinstalled B4J 9.50 and... There it is! XMLBuilder.jar (with no XMLBuilder.xml)
Note the modification dates. All the same date, which leads me to the conclusion that this library has been, indeed, added as an internal library.
Let's wait to see what Erel might say about this...