B4J Code Snippet [B4J] Webview Zoomable via Mouse Scroll Wheel

Perhaps there is another or better way to accomplish a mouse scroll wheel zoomable Webview, but here is what I found works. It borrows from a post on Scroll Events.
I didn't research DeltaY, MultiplierY and TextDeltaY deeply, and likely all 3 are not necessary to achieve the same effect. But since I'm only looking at it on one platform/OS/screensize I used all 3 and left the debug lines commented.

You'll need a Scroll_Event Sub

Sub Scroll_Event (MethodName As String, Args() As Object) As Object
    Dim scrollevent As JavaObject = Args(0)
    Dim bControl As Boolean = scrollevent.RunMethod("isControlDown", Null)
    If bControl Then
        Dim dDy As Double = scrollevent.RunMethod("getDeltaY", Null) ' values here and My are double
        Dim dMy As Double = scrollevent.RunMethod("getMultiplierY", Null) ' same mag as DeltaY
        Dim dTDy As Double = scrollevent.RunMethod("getTextDeltaY", Null)
        Dim dZ As Double = WebView1.Zoom  ' nominally 1
        Dim dDz As Double = 1.0 / (Abs(dTDy)*dDy/dMy)
        WebView1.Zoom = dZ + dDz * dZ
    End If
    Return Null
End Sub

I registered the Scroll EventHandler just after the Root.LoadLayout

    Dim jo As JavaObject = WebView1
    Dim e As Object = jo.CreateEventFromUI("javafx.event.EventHandler", "scroll", Null)
    jo.RunMethod("setOnScroll", Array(e))

I used a ScrollPane to hold the Webview, because I'm essentially doing a splitscreen with another control (not shown here).

I placed the ScrollPanel LoadLayout in the B4XPage_Created after the Root.LoadLayout, and before the Scroll EventHandler. For the "WebviewOnly" layout, in the Designer I set the WebView1 to the size of Main and set the H and V anchors to <->.


So in my case the B4XPage_Created started like this.

Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
    Root = Root1
    Dim jo As JavaObject = WebView1
    Dim e As Object = jo.CreateEventFromUI("javafx.event.EventHandler", "scroll", Null)
    jo.RunMethod("setOnScroll", Array(e))