You do realize that as time goes by, the more and more "broken" windows XP will become as software becomes more updated, right? Try using Windows 98 now.
I too have tried copying over from a W10 install but on Xp it goes to a black window with egg timer and though I waited for a while didn't appear to want to go beyond that. Is it still possible to get v2.60?
Thanks so much for your quick response. Though I didn't check which version I had to begin with, I tried an update (download of .Net from Microsoft site) but this looks to onlly go as far as V4.0.3. Registry key does seem to indicate Version 4.0.30319 so assuming it is up to this on the machine. However I still get the black window after launch (after the initial B4R logo) with the egg timer showing and task manager shows high CPU and memory usage (around the 90% and 300Mb area). I left it like this for a few minutes each time, don't know if it might have resolved if I waited longer but didn't seen like normal behaviour to me. I did have a much older version of B4R (I think 1.6) on this PC which did work ok when I last looked at it admittedly quite a while ago
Unfortunately that would break a number of applications on this particular PC. I have no problems using V2.80 on a different W10 PC, just it was a bit of a pain to suddenly lose it on this particular one. Guess I should have been more careful before I leapt.