Deleted member 103
Hi everyone,
B4x is supposed to become a "cross platfrom" and that's part of it too.
Many thanks to Erel for his continuous commitment.
Erel does everything possible to realize that, but for me that's partly the wrong direction.
It should not be a criticism, it's just my opinion and wish that maybe it can be wrong.
I know that you can manipulate many views with B4xView, but why change a "label" with a "B4XView" just to use it in B4i? Or add a lot of "#IF B4a" in the code?
The whole code seems too confusing.
What I want is that you can use exactly the same code for B4a and B4i without having to keep track of the platform differences.
For example: if I write "label.textsize = 20", then internally it should handle the IDE for B4a and B4i and not the programmer.
There are little things that would simplify the programmer's work.
Here is a code of a menu-class for B4a and B4i.
It does not look very clear, right?
B4x is supposed to become a "cross platfrom" and that's part of it too.
Many thanks to Erel for his continuous commitment.
Erel does everything possible to realize that, but for me that's partly the wrong direction.
It should not be a criticism, it's just my opinion and wish that maybe it can be wrong.
I know that you can manipulate many views with B4xView, but why change a "label" with a "B4XView" just to use it in B4i? Or add a lot of "#IF B4a" in the code?
The whole code seems too confusing.
What I want is that you can use exactly the same code for B4a and B4i without having to keep track of the platform differences.
For example: if I write "label.textsize = 20", then internally it should handle the IDE for B4a and B4i and not the programmer.
There are little things that would simplify the programmer's work.
Here is a code of a menu-class for B4a and B4i.
It does not look very clear, right?
#Event: Click
Sub Class_Globals
#if B4a
Private clvMenu As CustomListView
Private clvMenu As CustomScrollView
#End If
Private pnlMenuBackground, pnlMenu As Panel
Private pnlSeparator, pnlTitel As Panel
Private lblTitel As Label
Private menuWidth As Int = 250dip
Private itemHeight As Int = 50dip
Private haederHeight As Int
Private ySpace As Int = 10dip
Private CallBack As Object
Private myParent As B4XView
End Sub
#if B4a
Public Sub Initialize(vCallback As Object, Parent As Activity)
CallBack = vCallback
myParent = Parent
End Sub
Public Sub Initialize(vCallback As Object, Parent As Panel)
CallBack = vCallback
myParent = Parent
End Sub
#End If
'Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
Public Sub Init
pnlMenuBackground.Color = Colors.ARGB(50, 0 , 0, 0)
myParent.AddView(pnlMenuBackground, 0 , 0 , myParent.Width, myParent.Height)
pnlMenuBackground.Visible = False
pnlMenu.color = 0xFF607D8B
SetGradient(pnlTitel, 0xFF98BCD0, 0xFF607D8B)
lblTitel.TextColor = Colors.White
lblTitel.Text = "Titel"
#if b4a
lblTitel.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL + Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL
lblTitel.SingleLine = False
lblTitel.TextAlignment = lblTitel.ALIGNMENT_CENTER
lblTitel.Multiline = True
#End If
pnlSeparator.Color = 0xFFD3D3D3
#if b4a
clvMenu.Initialize(Me, "clvMenu")
clvMenu.Initialize(Me, "clvMenu", 250dip)
#End If
clvMenu.AsView.Color = Colors.Transparent
pnlMenuBackground.AddView(pnlMenu, 0, 0, menuWidth, 300dip)
pnlMenu.AddView(pnlTitel, ySpace, ySpace, menuWidth - ySpace * 2, 90dip)
pnlTitel.AddView(lblTitel, 0, 0, pnlTitel.Width, pnlTitel.Height)
pnlMenu.AddView(pnlSeparator, ySpace, pnlTitel.Height + ySpace * 2, menuWidth - ySpace * 2, 1)
pnlMenu.AddView(clvMenu.AsView, ySpace, pnlTitel.Height + pnlSeparator.Height + ySpace * 2, menuWidth - ySpace * 2, 209dip)
haederHeight = pnlTitel.Height + pnlSeparator.Height + ySpace * 2
End Sub
Private Sub pnlMenuBackground_Resize(Width As Int, Height As Int)
#if b4a
pnlMenuBackground.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 0, 0, Width, Height)
pnlMenuBackground.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 1, 0, 0, Width, Height)
#End If
End Sub
Public Sub AddMenuItem(Title As String, EventName As String, Bitmap As String, TextColor As Int)
clvMenu.Add(CreateMenuItem(Bitmap, Title, TextColor), itemHeight, EventName)
End Sub
Public Sub AddMenuText(Title As String, EventName As String, Awesometext As String, TextColor As Int, IconColor As Int)
clvMenu.Add(CreateMenuText(Awesometext, Title, TextColor, IconColor), itemHeight, EventName)
End Sub
Public Sub AddMenuCheckbox(Title As String, EventName As String, Awesometext As String, TextColor As Int, IconColor As Int, Checked As Boolean)
clvMenu.Add(CreateMenuCheckbox(Awesometext, Title, TextColor, IconColor, Checked), itemHeight, EventName)
End Sub
Public Sub AddSeparator
Dim p As Panel
p.Color = Colors.LightGray
clvMenu.Add(p, 1dip, "")
End Sub
Public Sub Show
End Sub
Private Sub UpdatePanelBackground
pnlMenuBackground.Width = myParent.Width
pnlMenuBackground.Height = myParent.Height
pnlMenu.Height = myParent.Height
clvMenu.AsView.Height = pnlMenu.Height - haederHeight
clvMenu.AsView.Width = pnlMenu.Width
If Not(pnlMenuBackground.Visible) Then
pnlMenu.Left = - pnlMenu.Width
#if b4a
pnlMenu.SetLayoutAnimated(300, 0, 0, pnlMenu.Width, pnlMenu.Height)
pnlMenu.SetLayoutAnimated(300, 1, 0, 0, pnlMenu.Width, pnlMenu.Height)
#End If
#if b4a
pnlMenu.SetLayoutAnimated(300, - pnlMenu.Width, 0, pnlMenu.Width, pnlMenu.Height)
pnlMenu.SetLayoutAnimated(300, 1, - pnlMenu.Width, 0, pnlMenu.Width, pnlMenu.Height)
#End If
End If
pnlMenuBackground.Visible = Not(pnlMenuBackground.Visible)
End Sub
Private Sub CreateMenuText(Awesometext As String, Text As String, TextColor As Int, IconColor As Int) As Panel
Dim p As Panel
p.Color = Colors.Transparent
Dim lblIcon As Label
#if b4a
lblIcon.Typeface = Typeface.FONTAWESOME
lblIcon.TextSize = 28
lblIcon.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL + Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL
lblIcon.Font = Font.CreateNew2("fontAwesome", 28)
lblIcon.TextAlignment = lblIcon.ALIGNMENT_CENTER
#End If
lblIcon.Text = Awesometext
lblIcon.TextColor = IconColor
Dim lblText As Label
#if b4a
lblText.Typeface = Typeface.SANS_SERIF
lblText.TextSize = 16
lblText.Gravity = Gravity.LEFT + Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL
lblText.TextAlignment = lblText.ALIGNMENT_LEFT
lblText.Font = Font.CreateNew(16)
#End If
lblText.TextColor = TextColor
lblText.Text = Text
p.AddView(lblIcon, 2dip, 2dip, itemHeight - 4dip, itemHeight - 4dip) 'view #0
p.AddView(lblText, itemHeight + 2dip, 2dip, menuWidth - itemHeight, itemHeight - 4dip) 'view #1
Return p
End Sub
Private Sub CreateMenuItem(bmp As String, Text As String, TextColor As Int) As Panel
Dim p As Panel
p.Color = Colors.Transparent
Dim Icon As ImageView
If bmp <> Null And File.Exists(File.DirAssets, bmp) Then Icon.Bitmap = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, bmp)
#if b4a
Icon.Gravity = Gravity.FILL
Icon.ContentMode = Icon.MODE_FILL
#End If
Dim lblText As Label
#if b4a
lblText.Typeface = Typeface.SANS_SERIF
lblText.TextSize = 16
lblText.Gravity = Gravity.LEFT + Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL
lblText.TextAlignment = lblText.ALIGNMENT_LEFT
lblText.Font = Font.CreateNew(16)
#End If
lblText.Text = Text
lblText.TextColor = TextColor
p.AddView(Icon, 2dip, 2dip, itemHeight - 4dip, itemHeight - 4dip) 'view #0
p.AddView(lblText, itemHeight + 2dip, 2dip, menuWidth - itemHeight, itemHeight - 4dip) 'view #1
Return p
End Sub
Public Sub CreateMenuCheckbox(Awesometext As String, text As String, textcolor As Int, IconColor As Int, Checked As Boolean) As Panel
Dim lblText As Label
Dim cbx As Label
Dim p As Panel
p.Color = Colors.Transparent '.White
Dim lblIcon As Label
#if b4a
lblIcon.Typeface = Typeface.FONTAWESOME
lblIcon.TextSize = 28
lblIcon.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL + Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL
lblIcon.Font = Font.CreateNew2("fontAwesome", 28)
lblIcon.TextAlignment = lblIcon.ALIGNMENT_CENTER
#End If
lblIcon.Text = Awesometext
lblIcon.TextColor = IconColor
#if b4a
lblText = NewLabel(text, Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL + Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL, 16)
lblText = NewLabel(text, lblText.ALIGNMENT_CENTER, 16)
#End If
lblText.TextColor = textcolor
#if b4a
cbx.Typeface = Typeface.FONTAWESOME
cbx.TextSize = 16
cbx.TextAlignment = cbx.ALIGNMENT_CENTER
cbx.Font = Font.CreateNew2("fontAwesome", 16)
#End If
If Checked Then
cbx.Text = Chr(0xF046)
cbx.Text = Chr(0xF096)
End If
Dim pnl As Panel
p.AddView(lblIcon, 2dip, 2dip, itemHeight - 4dip, itemHeight - 4dip)
p.AddView(lblText, itemHeight, 2dip, menuWidth - itemHeight * 2, itemHeight - 4dip)
p.AddView(cbx, menuWidth - itemHeight, 2dip, itemHeight, itemHeight - 4dip)
Return p
End Sub
Private Sub clvMenu_ItemClick( Value As Object, Event As String)
#if b4a
If SubExists(CallBack, Event & "_Click") Then
CallSub(CallBack, Event & "_Click")
End If
If SubExists(CallBack, Event & "_Click", 0) Then
CallSub(CallBack, Event & "_Click")
End If
#End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnlMenuBackground_Click
End Sub
#Region Position
Public Sub setColor(Color As Int)
pnlMenu.Color = Color
End Sub
Public Sub setTitel(Text As String)
lblTitel.Text = Text
End Sub
Public Sub getVisible As Boolean
Return pnlMenuBackground.Visible
End Sub
Public Sub setVisible(Value As Boolean)
pnlMenuBackground.Visible = Value
End Sub
Public Sub setTop(Top As Int)
pnlMenu.Top = Top
End Sub
Public Sub getTop As Int
Return pnlMenu.Top
End Sub
Public Sub setWidth(Width As Int)
menuWidth = Width
End Sub
Public Sub setButtom(Buttom As Int)
pnlMenu.Top = Buttom + pnlMenu.Height
End Sub
Public Sub getButtom As Int
Return pnlMenu.Top + pnlMenu.Height
End Sub
#End Region
Sub NewLabel(Text As String, TextAlignment As Int, Textsize As Int) As Label
Dim lbl As Label
#if b4a
lbl.Typeface = Typeface.SANS_SERIF
lbl.TextSize = Textsize
lbl.Gravity = TextAlignment
lbl.Font = Font.CreateNew2("AvenirNextCondensed-Medium", Textsize) 'SANS_SERIF.CreateNew(Textsize)
lbl.TextAlignment = TextAlignment
#End If
Return lbl
End Sub
#if B4a
Sub SetGradient(v As View, col1 As Int, col2 As Int)
Dim cd As GradientDrawable
Dim Clrs(2) As Int
Clrs(0) = col1
Clrs(1) = col2
cd.Initialize("LEFT_RIGHT", Clrs)
cd.CornerRadius = 5dip
v.Background = cd
End Sub
Private Sub SetGradient(v As View, color1 As Int, color2 As Int)
v.SetBorder(1, Colors.Transparent, 5)
Dim NaObj As NativeObject = Me
End Sub
- (void)SetGradient: (UIView*) View :(UIColor*) Color1 :(UIColor*) Color2{
CAGradientLayer *gradient = [CAGradientLayer layer];
gradient.colors = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:(id)Color1.CGColor, (id)Color2.CGColor, nil];
gradient.frame = View.bounds;
gradient.startPoint = CGPointMake(0, 1);
gradient.endPoint = CGPointMake(1, 1);
[View.layer insertSublayer:gradient atIndex:0];
#end if
#End If