I actually both have a DHT22 and ESP12 in my ever growing pile of electronics stuff from Ebay
I like the ESP8266-01 for the small form factor. I have always been fond of using the smaller versions; for example, a lot of my projects are built around an Attiny85 with almost no external components. Add 5v to that tiny chip and you can do wonders.
However, there is another reason for not using ESP12 in this project. For some reason, the wifi range is much shorter than the 8266. Maybe I have just been unlucky with my board, I only have that one to test with so I don't know if this a general problem.
The reason I use DHT11 is because I have
this shield lying around. But I am probably not going to use it in the final version since the onboard voltage regulator is not very efficient. Even in deep sleep mode, the board uses 2 mA. I am going to feed the 8266 directly from a battery, and then I will use the DHT22 instead.
The sample rate for DHT22 is correct. It is slower than DHT11. But this is not relevant in most use cases.
There is a problem with self-heating of the DHT11. At first I thought it was heated from the shield, so I bent the DHT11 away from the board. That didn't help much, the temperature is still about 4°C too high after a few minutes. It seems to be problem with the sensor itself. I don't know if it's the same with DHT22. However, since the thermometer will be sleeping most of the time and not reading anything from the sensor, the heating should be much less of a problem.