Share My Creation [B4X] [B4XPages] MaxIt! - A fast and fun numbers game

MaxIt! is my first game for iOS and Android. It is based on a computer game from the early 1980s. Some of you might know one of its derivatives, e.g. Blue Angel 69 for C64, Amiga 500 and Atari ST. One player can only select numbers in the current row and the other player in the current column. Blue numbers are positive and red numbers are negative. The player with the highest score wins.

I made a couple of apps with B4X before but for this game I used B4XPages for the first time. It took about a week to develop the B4A version and then only a couple of hours to adjust platform-specific stuff in B4I. Overall I had a lot of fun

Many thanks to Erel for making it so easy and fun to develop cross platform apps!

Google Play: MaxIt! – Apps bei Google Play
App Store: ‎MaxIt! im App Store (


Licensed User
Longtime User
Nice game, congratulations.

I got one "app keeps stopping" message.

And a suggestion: save state when app goes to background and restore when it comes to foreground again. It's somewhat frustrating leaving the game to do something, come back and be greeted with the start screen and a brand new game.


Active Member
Licensed User
Nice game, congratulations.
Thank you

I got one "app keeps stopping" message.
Might be a memory issue with the parallax images. On which device did it happen?

And a suggestion: save state when app goes to background and restore when it comes to foreground again. It's somewhat frustrating leaving the game to do something, come back and be greeted with the start screen and a brand new game.
Thank you for the suggestion, I'll add it in the next update!


Active Member
Licensed User
Not sure if it matters, but I've turned off them.
Pixel 3a with Android 11.
Thanks! Probably not a memory issue then. I'll have to dig deeper. Do you remember when the crash happened (start screen, during the game...)?


Active Member
Licensed User
And a suggestion: save state when app goes to background and restore when it comes to foreground again. It's somewhat frustrating leaving the game to do something, come back and be greeted with the start screen and a brand new game.
The Android update with this feature is now live (iOS still under review). You can now continue your game at any time. Thanks again for the suggestion!

I got one "app keeps stopping" message.
Unfortunately I wasn't able to reproduce the issue but I changed a couple of things and hope that it won't happen again.


Licensed User
Longtime User
By the way, what you've made seem to be a faithful conversion of the game from yesteryear. It's quite possible for you to duplicate your codebase, make som UI changes and publish that as another title.

I, for one, would like to see these changes:
- Minimalistic graphics
- Touch-interface (no stepping using buttons - just tap the number you select)

I think this game would be gorgeous if you made it in the style of, for instance, Hook. So basically a light, sand-coloured background, dark antialiased graphics. Simple as that.

Just an idea.


Active Member
Licensed User
Not sure what yesteryear is but this is the original:

There's a version of the game named UMaxIt on the App Store that should be close to what you prefer (minimalistic and direct touch-interface): ‎UMaxIt im App Store (

Directly tapping the numbers is difficult in 2-player mode when there's always a hand over the numbers and the other player can't see anything. The buttons for player 1 and 2 solve that problem. To be consistent, the buttons are also used for the single player mode.

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