Android Question [B4X] BLE 2 - Bluetooth Low Energy

Nicolás Cieri

Active Member
Licensed User
Hi, I have an app that works fine on many devices, but not on some.

To test, on one of the devices that doesn't work, try the Erel demo, BLEExample - B4a.

It's a Redmi A1.

It does the process as if it were scanning devices, but it never finds anything, that is, it never enters this part. "Manager_DeviceFound"

In the log, it doesn't show me any error.

Nicolás Cieri

Active Member
Licensed User
The first difference between other smartphones, I get this error on Log...

(SecurityException) java.lang.SecurityException: Need android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN permission for android.content.AttributionSource@edf38225: GattService registerScanner

So, I add the permission on manifiest and by rutine..

Wait For B4XPage_PermissionResult (Permission As String, Result As Boolean)
If Result = False Then
ToastMessageShow("No permission", True)
End If

So, now I have the permission, no error.. but I can't see any device found in the sub "Manager_DeviceFound".

On high-end devices it seems to work fine, but on many it doesn't, it never goes into this "Manager_DeviceFound".

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Nicolás Cieri

Active Member
Licensed User
Hello Erel,

it stays like scanning, it's the same problem, it's not a permissions problem. The sub 'Manager_DeviceFound' never fires.

No error is shown, it's like it didn't find any Bluetooth devices, although there are many around and it works perfectly on other devices.
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Nicolás Cieri

Active Member
Licensed User
Maybe the device is not compatible because it is low-end?

But it's new, I bought it for testing because it has happened to me with various devices.

It's a Redmi A1.
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Nicolás Cieri

Active Member
Licensed User
The bluetooth of the phone works, because if I search for bluetooth devices from the phone settings if I can see all the ones it finds.

Only from the B4A apps, I can't see any, as if it didn't find any device.
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Licensed User
Do the devices show up when you scan using nRF Connect app?

And if so: can you connect to any of them?
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Nicolás Cieri

Active Member
Licensed User
I have solved it, now it Works.

Is there a way to detect when location is off??????, turning this on Works.

Location scanning​

A device's location services can use Bluetooth to detect Bluetooth beacons and provide a more accurate location. This is how users enable the feature:

  1. Go to Settings > Security & Location > Location.
  2. Check that the Location On/Off toggle is in the On position.
  3. Go to Mode.
  4. Select either High accuracy or Battery saving mode.
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Nicolás Cieri

Active Member
Licensed User
No, it's not covered in the "Demo", because even if it says if I allow it, it doesn't really change this permission.

I had to change this permission manually in the phone settings.
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Licensed User
or ask the user to activate it, from the application?

This tutorial post:

contains example code:

StartActivity(Starter.GPS1.LocationSettingsIntent)     'Will open the relevant settings screen.

which sounds like it's in the right area as we're looking for too.

Also this thread albeit that is 8 years ago from the days of steam-powered smart phones ? and plenty may have changed since then.
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