From my former used basic dialect I knowed classes with GLOBALs variables and FIELDs variables.
The GLOBALs kept f.e. LISTs of instances or were parameters that were unique for all instances of the class. A...
meant, that all instances could read this value as 4 immediately. And if one instance changed it, the others could read the new value.
The FIELDs contained variables only existed inside an instance.
Each instance had its own X. If the instance changed the value, this did not affect the X of other instances.
The same with SUBs. The former basic dialect knowed FUNCTIONs and METHODEs.
The FUNCTIONs could be called without having any instance yet. F.e. to create a NEW instance or to iterate through all instances of a class.
The METHODEs could be called only from an existing instance.
As I understand, B4X-dialect variables are similar to FIELDs for variables, and subs are similar to METHODEs .
But do I have also the other access? something like GLOBALs or FUNCTIONs ?
And the former basic dialect had a NEW keyword to create a new instance. There is nothing similar in B4X?