If you modify the CLVSwipe example to use EditTexts the EditText views will not be pushed up to remain visible when the Keyboard is opened. I have included an example program.
Remming the following 4 lines will make it work correctly but you will no longer have the pull to refresh feature.
You can do it manually using IME. The following code works for me. It will need to be modified to suit your purposes.
Remming the following 4 lines will make it work correctly but you will no longer have the pull to refresh feature.
Dim PullToRefreshPanel As B4XView = xui.CreatePanel("")
PullToRefreshPanel.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 0, 0, 100%x, 70dip)
Swipe.PullToRefreshPanel = PullToRefreshPanel
You can do it manually using IME. The following code works for me. It will need to be modified to suit your purposes.
Sub Globals
Dim CTxt As EditText
End Sub
Sub AddTxtItem
Dim Pnl As B4XView = xui.CreatePanel("")
Dim Txt As EditText
Pnl.AddView(Txt, 0, 0, 100%x, 48dip)
ActiveList.Add(Pnl, ActiveSwipe.CreateItemValue("", Array(trash, Arch)))
End Sub
Sub Txt_FocusChanged (HasFocus As Boolean)
Dim SS As NotePoperties
If Sender <> Null Then
CTxt = Sender
SS = CTxt.Tag
If HasFocus Then
CTxt.Color = CP.COLORtoHSL(SS.BClr)
CTxt.Color = SS.BClr
End If
End If
ToastMessageShow("Txt_FocusChanged" & CRLF & LastException.Message, True)
End Try
End Sub
Sub IME_HeightChanged (NewHeight As Int, OldHeight As Int)
Dim X As Long, Ht As Long
If NewHeight < OldHeight Then
For X = ActiveList.LastVisibleIndex To (Max(ActiveList.GetItemFromView(CTxt) + 1, 0)) Step -1
Ht = Ht + ActiveList.GetPanel(X).Height
If (NewHeight + Ht) < OldHeight Then
ActiveList.AsView.Parent.Parent.Top = ActiveList.AsView.Parent.Parent.Top - ((OldHeight - (NewHeight + Ht)))
End If
ActiveList.AsView.Parent.Parent.Top = (NewVoiceBtn.Height + NewVoiceBtn.Top)
'ActiveList.AsView.Top = 0
End If
KbdVisible = (NewHeight < OldHeight)
ToastMessageShow("IME_HeightChanged" & CRLF & LastException.Message, True)
End Try
End Sub