Comparing for equality like that will test if it the same byte array, not it's contents. You could use the ByteConverter library
Dim B() As Byte = "OK".GetBytes("UTF8")
Dim BC As ByteConverter
Log(BC.StringFromBytes(B,"UTF8") = "OK")
Or java.util.Array class via Javaobject: :
Dim B() As Byte = "OK".GetBytes("UTF8")
Dim Jo As JavaObject
Here is a workaround I came with because I want to use it also in B4i. The string comparison I think that would also work but I couldn't risk loosing non printable characters (in case something like that would happen). Here is the solution :
Compare Two Byte Arrays:
Private Sub CompareByteArrays(b1() As Byte, b2() As Byte) As Boolean
If b1.Length <> b2.Length Then Return False
Dim ii As Long
For ii = 0 To b1.Length - 1
If b1(ii) <> b2(ii) Then
Return False
End If
Return True
End Sub