Wish B4X example of "BackGround" timer


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I just spent an hour reading about "BackGround" timers in B4i and B4X and it has left me confused and feeling like, once again I am missing some key element. I mean basically we are talking about an alarm clock. How hard can that be?

I need to "Wake Up" every once in a while, check something, and then either bring my app to the foreground or go back to "sleep". If the rules are the app has to come to the foreground to do its check, UGH, but so be it. If there is no such thing as background that is OK as well as long as it is as "invisible as possible. If it has to have an icon on the notification/start bar again, UGH, but so be it.

The object is to use as little power/resources as possible and be as unobtrusive as possible while in the "BackGround". I need B4A and B4i but may as well include B4J as well.

The app should start automatically when the device is turned on.

I am willing to bet a lot of people would find this extremely helpful.

Thanks for listening.
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Licensed User
I agree, and I'm sure many people here would find it very useful to have a clear tutorial about how to do this on newer versions of Android. However I get a feeling that Google is doing its best to stifle this kind of activity.


Well-Known Member
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I agree, and I'm sure many people here would find it very useful to have a clear tutorial about how to do this on newer versions of Android. However I get a feeling that Google is doing its best to stifle this kind of activity.
Well, that's the point. A sample app of how to do it TODAY can be updated in the future if things change. Right now there are so many posts about this going back so far it is difficult for people like me with ZER0 short term memory to read all that stuff and try to keep straight what works best today.


Licensed User
A solution with pure B4X code would be the best outcome but from what I've seen some other users have already given up on this and use another app like "Tasker" to repeat run their B4A app at fixed times (on Android at least).


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
A solution with pure B4X code would be the best outcome but from what I've seen some other users have already given up on this and use another app like "Tasker" to repeat run their B4A app at fixed times (on Android at least).
That's OK, but I don't know anything about tasker or its reliability or problems or gotchas. If the solution here is to use tasker, so be it.
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