I had some projects where I needed fixed locations & lengths inside a record e.g. a field has a fixed length of 30 "chars". It's a pain to write such a file. Here's a snippet to make it easier:
FileRecord defines the varname, the length and the alignment (left or right). "Michael" is 7 chars long. So 23 spaces are added (30-7=23).
VarMap could be an array, too (just change it) and contains the var name (to be matched with FileRecord) and the data.
Nice side effect: You can sort the output/sequence of the data by just changing the order in FileRecord or adding new fields.
FileRecord defines the varname, the length and the alignment (left or right). "Michael" is 7 chars long. So 23 spaces are added (30-7=23).
VarMap could be an array, too (just change it) and contains the var name (to be matched with FileRecord) and the data.
Nice side effect: You can sort the output/sequence of the data by just changing the order in FileRecord or adding new fields.
'Varname, fixed length, alignement
Dim FileRecord() As String = Array As String("var1","4","L","var2","9","L","var3","1","L","var4","30","R","var5","30","L")
'Input as a map (can be anything else, too)
Dim VarMap As Map=CreateMap("var1":"123","var2":"abcdef","var3":"h","var4":"Michael","var5":"Miller")
Dim RecordLength,VarLength,StartVarPos,EndVarPos As Int
Dim Alignment,VarName,VarContent As String
Dim Record As String
For i=0 To FileRecord.Length-3 Step 3
Log("Var: " & FileRecord(i) &", Length: " & VarLength &", Start: " & StartVarPos & ", End: " & EndVarPos &", Alignement: " & Alignment)
For l= 0 To VarLength-VarContent.length-1
If Alignment="L" Then
VarContent=VarContent & " " 'add spaces behind (align left)
VarContent=" " & VarContent 'add spaces before (align right)
End If
Log("Total recordlength: " & RecordLength)
Log("Record: " & Record)