Android Question b4x FileDialog / FileChooser


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I convert an old b4a program to b4x.
that works very well so far,
but now I need a FileDialog / FileChooser.

Is there a b4xlib for this or a b4xdialog template?

I didn't find anything with the search.


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Having spent half my youth on figuring out how to read a text file a user has saved in his download folder from an email attachment using fileprovider without success (I can see the file is there, but despite all required permissions are set, I cannot read the list into file.ListFiles). So I have given up

Now I have followed this advice and it works fine (as second choice). I can access the download folder and click on a text file and read it. Would be even nicer if I could only see *.csv files.

BUT what if a user does not see a file he/she wants to import? There is no way to cancel the dialog (at least I have not found a button for this).

The only way is to move the dialog out of sight but this also kills the entire app.
I know Erel once sid 'only the user can cancel the dialog', but how?

Is there a work around available?

Thanks for your help,
john m.


  • DownloadFolder.png
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Foreget it. I Just discovered that the back button < on the new Android version cancels the dialog without killing the app.

However, I'd still prefer to work with the file picker (which would be much easier for the user) if it wasn't for the permission issue.

Best, john m.
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