Version: 1.2
Based on code by Erel for StringUtils function MeasureMultilineTextHeight
StringUtils function calculates the height for multiplier value 1 only.
With this function you can calculate height with variable line spacing.
Version: 1.2
Based on code by Erel for StringUtils function MeasureMultilineTextHeight
StringUtils function calculates the height for multiplier value 1 only.
With this function you can calculate height with variable line spacing.
- LineUtils
Methods:- getMultilineHeight (TextView As android.widget.TextView, Text As java.lang.CharSequence, multi As float) As int
Returns the required height in order to show the given text in a label with varying line spacing.
This can be used to show dynamic text in a label.
Note that the label must first be added to its parent and only then its height can be set.
Usage: getMultiLineHeight( TextView as android.widget.TextView , Text as CharSequence, multiplier as float)
Multiplier is Line Spacing Multiplier, where 1 is normal, 2 is double line spacing so on...
Dim Label1 As Label
Label1.Text = "this is a long sentence, and we need to " _
& "know the height required in order To show it completely."
Label1.TextSize = 20
Activity.AddView(Label1, 10dip, 10dip, 200dip, 30dip)
Dim LineS As LineUtils
Label1.Height = LineS.getMultilineHeight(Label1, Label1.Text, 1.5)
- getMultilineHeight (TextView As android.widget.TextView, Text As java.lang.CharSequence, multi As float) As int
Used Code:
public int getMultilineHeight(TextView TextView, CharSequence Text, float multi) {
StaticLayout sl = new StaticLayout(Text, TextView.getPaint(),
TextView.getLayoutParams().width - TextView.getPaddingLeft() - TextView.getPaddingRight(),
Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, multi, 0 , true);
return sl.getLineTop(sl.getLineCount());
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