B4X official library index document WEB VERSION


Licensed User
Hello everyone, I have made an online version based on the B4X official library index document for easy reference.The scope of application of the library is clearly marked. They are represented by the colors B4A, B4I, B4J, B4R, respectively.
And list all library contributors into one list. Thank you very much for their contributions.

Libraries Index Link: https://hk.juziyu.cn/b4x/libsonline/
Author Ranking Link: https://hk.juziyu.cn/b4x/libsonline/ranking.html


Related Links:
1,Thread 'Browse the b4xgoods table like browsing a blog
2,B4Xgoods Online


Licensed User
Thanks for sharing but I can say some libraries published in this forum are not listed in the spreadsheet.
I'm sorry.This is based on the official data in Google Sheets, which is the link to the Google Sheets in the lower right corner of the forum. If the library author updates to Google Sheets, then it will automatically update and count. In addition, I have no way to go through the forum pages to get updates, which would waste the forum's server resources.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks for sharing but I can say some libraries published in this forum are not listed in the spreadsheet.
I agree, many Informatrix and JordiCP libraries which are pillars of B4A are missing. I haven't seen from other developers but having looked quickly it seems that some are incomplete.

It doesn't seem useful to me if it only collects the data of those who update the Google Sheets pages


Licensed User
Longtime User
Any one of the libraries developers can add libraries to the Google Sheet.
Looks like i´ve missed something o_O
Which Google Sheet?


Licensed User
I agree, many Informatrix and JordiCP libraries which are pillars of B4A are missing. I haven't seen from other developers but having looked quickly it seems that some are incomplete.

It doesn't seem useful to me if it only collects the data of those who update the Google Sheets pages
Yes, there are libraries not added to the list. And I don't have a better way to aggregate those libraries. All library authors are welcome to update the library to Google Sheets for the class library, and the web version list will automatically be synchronized. to promote community development.