Hello all,
Normally the main page starts first, from there others can follow. I would like to continue having the mainpage be the page that the users are active with 95% of the time. However, before the mainpage is shown, how can I hide (make Invisible) then show it (Make visible) once the user successfully logs in OR, launch the another page first, then the mainpage following. Or must the mainpage be created and shown from the start??
In the mainpage code, I have tried using where appropriate ( B4XPage_Created)
And also this in the sub
Private Sub lb_sing_up_Click
Root.Visible = False
End Sub
I also tried this code to launch another page first, but after that page is closed, the whole app closes
Public Sub Initialize
B4XPages.GetManager.TransitionAnimationDuration = 0
Dim p2 As page_sign_up 'Page2
B4XPages.AddPage("Page 2", p2)
End Sub
But this leaves a white blank form up behind the launched login page. And when the login is complete, it closes the login page, but I only get the blank white page. I do not want the white page showing at all.
What I really need is to understand and see sample code that shows best practices/proper way of doing this. This may not even be the correct/best practices order of operations, so if it is not, please advise.
The intent is to create a B4A and a B4i app, but am starting with B4J B4xPages.
Thank you,