B4X should be above top 50 in TIOBE programming index


Licensed User
Longtime User
B4X should be above top 50 in TIOBE programming index.
But it is not.
As we already discussed before here, I hope B4X can climb higher and shows it's real ranking.
So, do me a favor.
  1. When sharing on github, add .gitattribute file. Fix our repo misunderstood as VB.NET, VBScript or other variant of BASIC.
  2. When making search with search engine, do it by appending b4x programming e.g "how to build android app in b4x programming"
  3. Create online articles in B4X programming language keywords
  4. Use images and videos related to b4x
  5. Upload YouTube videos for B4X
  6. Allow your YouTube video used by Large language model in settings.
I think this will help the B4X become more popular. Any more tips are welcome.


Licensed User
Longtime User
As what I have written before here, the TIOBE index is not very accurate to determine how popular a programming language is.

Many other top languages (except for C), has not much variant, e.g Python, Java, PHP, Rust, Go, and Ruby.

SQL has many variant such as SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Firebird, Oracle and many more but it is considered as one.

B4X looks very similar to VB. There are so many variants of BASIC (360+).

The TIOBE index separates all the BASIC variant as individual.

This also happen on GitHub and always confused by it's engine if we don't specify it explicitly.

Another wrong calculation of TIOBE index I think is because B4X code has less code published or posted online. We also write fewer lines of code to accomplish a task compared to other languages. Not sure because other languages use a lot of opening and closing braces { } that contributes more line of code. So it is consider less used.