Tool B4X Template Manager (New B4J version). Create and share your layouts with others

First of all, cheers to Filippo who created a template manager last week. I was going to offer Filippo a few suggestions in his thread about his program, but then I decided to create my own on Sunday. B4X Template Manage (B4X TM) is no better or worse than Filippo's, it's just a different take on it.

Anyway hello to all B4X developers,
Here is my version of what I hope will help others to speed up the start of creating their B4X projects. I hope that other developers will create or release their basic B4X templates (layouts/basic projects). When creating your template for the forum, just use the corresponding B4X package to export your template as a zip file (add any resource folder separately), add a screenshot and upload it to this thread. After all, it's all about sharing and learning from others.

  • Works with B4A, B4J and B4i.
  • Importing of zipped templates (Fully automated procedure).
  • Preview libraries used.
  • Preview template screenshot for B4A and B4i, print screen for B4J.
  • Automatically starts the corresponding B4X package after clicking on the 'Create' button.
  • Maps both projects and template folders.
  • Delete - Removes the template from B4X TM (Does not delete the original project files).
How to use:
  1. The very first thing that you MUST do is to point B4X TM to your projects folders, it's highly recommended that you create a template folder for each B4X package that you use. Template folders are used if you import or add a template which other B4X developers upload to the forum.
  2. Try adding one of your own projects via the 'Add templates' tab, or you can make a new template from scratch and add that instead.
  3. Once you've added a template, you can use it time and time again with ease. Try it out for yourself by going to the 'Use templates' tab and tapping on a template.
That's it, so the order is Set folder locations > Add templates (or import zipped template) > Use templates to create B4X projects. If you need help, just post your questions below

  • When exporting your zip file for others to use, please remember to add your resources folder to the zip file afterwards if you are using one.
  • The preview button is just for previewing the template in corresponding B4X package.
  • You can add any size screenshot to the folder, landscape or portrait. If you are adding a screenshot, remember to name your screenshot file 'Screenshot.png' and place it in the main root folder alongside the main '.b4x' file.
  • When zipping up a template, you NEED to select all the files and then send them to a zip file. DO NOT zip up the folder with the project files already in it.
  • Don't forget to share your templates.

Try it and share:
I hope that B4X users especially new users will find this little program useful, but it completely depends on the B4X community sharing templates and uploading them. I only had Sunday to write this program as it was raining all day so I didn't go out., so please reports any bugs found in this thread.

B4J Screenshot:

A template is just a project without as much code.

V1.0.0.0 (VB.Net)
  • Initial release date 17/10/2018.
  • Made the importing of zipped templates 100% automated, read the 3 posts below for instructions.
  • Added an 'Update description' button to the template description screen.
  • Added notification area icon (See post 7).
  • Added status strip to the bottom of the screen(See post 7).
  • Changed some wording.
  • General tidying up.
  • Optional auto start with Windows (Look in notification area, see post 7).
  • Fixed spelling mistake.
  • Made fonts larger in text boxes.
  • DataGridView options and cursor changed.
  • Auto minimise B4X TM to notification area after creating a new B4X project.
  • Changed main folder icon on the toolbar.
  • Added (Open selected a folder) buttons to folder screen and changed (Select a folder) icons.
  • Updated unzip folder location to include template name, each templates has its own folder.
V2.0.0.0 (B4J)
  • New - Developed using B4J, it's a lot better than the original VB.Net version. V2.0.0.0 has all the features from the VB.Net version, but it looks a lot nicer and has some small improvements.

You can download the .jar file from Dropbox HERE

Enjoy this program and share your creations...
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Peter Simpson

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello all,
Attached you will find a basic Basic AppCompat template.

All you have to do is use the built-in 'Import zipped template' from the top menu, the downloaded template will automatically be unzipped and will appear in the templates list. Please remember to give the template a logical name, I've highlighted above what I think you should call this particular template.

Once you have added the template into B4X TM, you can use it time and time again and change the design as required.




    23.1 KB · Views: 694
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Peter Simpson

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello all,
Attached you will find a basic AppCompat with TabStrip template.

All you have to do is use the built-in 'Import zipped template' from the top menu, the downloaded template will automatically be unzipped and will appear in the templates list. Please remember to give the template a logical name, I've highlighted above what I think you should call this particular template.

Once you have added the template into B4X TM, you can use it time and time again and change the design as required.




    26.7 KB · Views: 625
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Peter Simpson

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello all,
Attached you will find a basic AppCompat with Drawer template.

All you have to do is use the built-in 'Import zipped template' from the top menu, the downloaded template will automatically be unzipped and will appear in the templates list. Please remember to give the template a logical name, I've highlighted above what I think you should call this particular template.

Once you have added the template into B4X TM, you can use it time and time again and change the design as required.




    283 KB · Views: 851
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Active Member
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WOW AMAZING! GREAT JOB! INSTALLING TO TEST!:):):):) (my thinks) I wanna say that the template manager open a big door to B4X, nice and customized template make the UI with more interest to the end user, can expand the creativity. Can be a good direction for all us.- Thanks!
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Peter Simpson

Licensed User
Longtime User
WOW AMAZING! GREAT JOB! INSTALLING TO TEST!:):):):) (my thinks) I wanna say that the template manager open a big door to B4X, nice and customized template make the UI with more interest to the end user, can expand the creativity. Can be a good direction for all us.- Thanks!
Thank you,
I've updated the program to make it easier to users to use. I do hope that other B4X developers create and share templates (layouts), it would be nice to see some other designs first hand.

@Peter Simpson. Excellent work.
As always in everything in this community. Thanks for your great contribution, keep it up and do not stop.
Thanks Johan,
I'll try but with so many great developers on here it's not easy trying to come up with something that will help others.

I've just quickly updated the software with a couple of new features which I've mentioned in the first post.

Here are some new screen shots.

Notification icon:

When windows starts running B4A TM starts running automatically and can be found in the notification area. This way whenever one want to create a new project, they just have to click on the icon, select the template and away they go.

Import template is now 100% automated:
I've updated import template to unzip and import the files directly into both the template folders and also directly into the program itself. The zipped template now automatically appears in the template list

I hope B4X users create and share.
This software package is really useful and simple to use, let's hope that other developers create and share the creations with the B4X community.

I created this program for the B4X community hoping to convince other B4X developers to create and share some templates. I've added an auto start option to have B4X TM automatically start when windows starts. This adds an icon to the notification area ready for me to start creating new B4X projects within seconds. So far I've entered 6 of my templates into it.

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Peter Simpson

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello all,
Attached you will find a template designed by Douglas Farias, Menu Preto - (Douglas Farias).

All you have to do is use the built-in 'Import zipped template' from the top menu, the downloaded template will automatically be unzipped and will appear in the templates list. Please remember to give the template a logical name, I've highlighted above what I think you should call this particular template.

Once you have added the template into B4X TM, you can use it time and time again and change the design as required.


Thank you Douglas Farias.



  • Menu
    221 KB · Views: 653
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Peter Simpson

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello all,
Attached you will find a template designed by Douglas Farias, WhatsApp Layout - (Douglas Farias).

Use the built-in 'Import zipped template' from the top menu to import this zip file. This downloaded template will automatically be unzipped and will appear in the templates list, templates are stored in the templates folder. Please remember to give the template a logical name, I've highlighted above what I think you should call this particular template.

Once you have added the template into B4X TM, you can use it time and time again and then change the design as required.


Thank you Douglas Farias.



  • WhatsApp
    193.8 KB · Views: 738
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Licensed User
Longtime User
grat job!

one thing from me - it could be more useable if user can share his templates via internet. Some small server with files updated by users and when user upload his template there will be an option "public or private". When he choose public all users have access to this file.

but it's just my thought...



Active Member
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The link to download the setup file is not working.. :(..All I get is a blank page..Can you provide an alternative one other than Dropbox, please ??

Peter Simpson

Licensed User
Longtime User
grat job!

one thing from me - it could be more useable if user can share his templates via internet. Some small server with files updated by users and when user upload his template there will be an option "public or private". When he choose public all users have access to this file.

but it's just my thought...


That would be a nice idea but I for one have no intentions on storing templates on my own personal online server, that's 100% purely for my clients databases.

Anyway I do like your idea, it's a very good one intact. Adding the zip code, uploading templates to a server and then displaying all the online templates available would be a simple enough task to do. I do currently have a spare server but I'm giving that one up in a few months time as my new DB server is based on SSD RIAD.

It's a good idea thought.

Thank you...

The link to download the setup file is not working.. :(..All I get is a blank page..Can you provide an alternative one other than Dropbox, please ??

Hello J,
Can you check the first link again as it's 100% working here. If the first link definitely is not working for you the click on the second link which is Google drive.

Thank you...
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Active Member
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Longtime User
Hello J,
Can you check the first link again as it's 100% working here. If the first link definitely is not working for you the click on the second link which is Google drive.

Thank you...
Great work..Thanks a lot..downloaded


Licensed User
Longtime User
I've just tested. The dropbox link is working and... this is amazing¡¡ A very good help for the starters like me.

Thanks a lot for sharing the b4j program, and... of course, the templates¡

Peter Simpson

Licensed User
Longtime User
I've just tested. The dropbox link is working and... this is amazing¡¡ A very good help for the starters like me.

Thanks a lot for sharing the b4j program, and... of course, the templates¡

I'm pleased that you like the program, but sadly it wasn't developed using B4J.

I originally only had one day (last week Sunday) to create this program, so I developed it using Visual Studio 2015. I think that I could have developed it using B4J, but as I don't develop using B4J that often it would have taken me maybe three to four days instead of just one.

If I was fluent in B4J as I am in B4A then it might have taken me maybe one and a half to two days, but I'm not really that fluent in B4J as yet.

I personally use B4J just for small personal programs or for testing out ideas, nothing like this.

Thank you...
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Licensed User
Longtime User
This is good stuff, as usual, from you Peter (and @Filippo ) :)
I am still of the opinion though that starting-templates, similar to yours, should be integrated in B4X as already suggested in the wish-forum on various occasions. This would also resolve the server-problem mentioned above since it could be hosted by Anywhere Software.
Well, maybe one day we will have it...

Peter Simpson

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello all,
Attached you will find a template designed by Erel, AppCompat with sliding drawer - (Erel).

Use the built-in 'Import zipped template' from the top menu to import this zip file. This downloaded template will automatically be unzipped and will appear in the templates list, templates are stored in the templates folder. Please remember to give the template a logical name, I've highlighted above what I think you should call this particular template.

Once you have added the template into B4X TM, you can use it time and time again and then change the design as required.


Thank you Erel.



  • AppCompat with Sliding
    21.2 KB · Views: 558

Peter Simpson

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello All,
Yes the screenshot in the first post does look 100% different, why is that you may ask yourselves. Well I decided to convert the original VB.Net app to B4J, say no more.

Thanks a lot for sharing the b4j program
It wasn't, but it is now ;)

What a huge improvement, I should have created this app using B4J in the first place...
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Licensed User
Longtime User

Peter Simpson

Licensed User
Longtime User

Remember this if you want to do anything new in future :D

I will do Manfred.
I'm seriously considering using B4J to create a warehouse printer management system for a client of mine next week. It would be easy to create using VB.Net, but I think that I'll be creating it using B4J instead. Creating the app in B4J will also help to hone my B4J development skills.