As cool as Beyonce's lyrics of "to the left, to the left: everything you own in a box to the left" are, I don't want all of my menus to the left. I have 2 workstations, both with Windows 11 and nVidia graphics. No touchscreens, pens, or tablets. On one, the menu flyouts go to the right as you expect. On the other, they fly out to the left. If I push the window to the far left side, it will come to the right a bit, but clearly wants to fly left. Only the B4A and B4J menus do this. Notepad++, one of the few programs that has menus and not a silly ribbon, does not have the issue. This "lefty" computer is a fresh Windows 11 install from scratch that only has B4X, B4J and Fortnite on it.
Has anyone seen this and have any idea what Windows setting might put it back?