#Region Project Attributes
#MainFormWidth: 600
#MainFormHeight: 600
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals
Private fx As JFX
Private MainForm As Form
Private xui As XUI
Private startref As Long
End Sub
Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
MainForm = Form1
'MainForm.RootPane.LoadLayout("Layout1") 'Load the layout file.
'**************** draw a rounded gradient on a B4XCanvas (with path)
Dim cvs As B4XCanvas
Dim r As B4XRect
startref = DateTime.now
For i = 0 To 1000
DrawRoundRectGradient(cvs, r, 30, Array As Int(xui.Color_Red,xui.Color_Blue))
Log("B4XCanvas Time: "&(DateTime.Now-startref))
'**************** draw a rounded gradient on a B4XCanvas (with brush)
startref = DateTime.now
For i = 0 To 1000
DrawRoundRectGradient2(cvs, r, 30, Array As Int(xui.Color_Red,xui.Color_Blue))
Log("B4XCanvas(2) Time: "&(DateTime.Now-startref))
'**************** draw a rounded gradient on a native Canvas
Dim g As String = "linear-gradient(from 0% 0% to 100% 100%, #ff0000 0%, 0x0000ff 100%)"
Dim rp As B4XView = MainForm.RootPane
Dim cv As Canvas = rp.GetView(0)
startref = DateTime.now
For i=0 To 1000
Log("Canvas Time: "&(DateTime.Now-startref))
End Sub
'Return true to allow the default exceptions handler to handle the uncaught exception.
Sub Application_Error (Error As Exception, StackTrace As String) As Boolean
Return True
End Sub
Private Sub DrawRoundRectGradient(cvs As B4XCanvas, rct As B4XRect, Radius As Float, Colors() As Int)
Private bc As BitmapCreator
Private rct1 As B4XRect
rct1.Initialize(0, 0, rct.Width, rct.Height)
bc.Initialize(rct.Width, rct.Height)
bc.FillGradient(Colors, rct1, "TOP_BOTTOM")
Private Path As B4XPath
Path.InitializeRoundedRect(rct, Radius)
cvs.DrawBitmap(bc.Bitmap, rct)
End Sub
Private Sub DrawRoundRectGradient2(cvs As B4XCanvas, rct As B4XRect, Radius As Float, Colors() As Int)
Private gradient,bc As BitmapCreator
Private rct1 As B4XRect
rct1.Initialize(0, 0, rct.Width, rct.Height)
gradient.Initialize(rct.Width, rct.Height)
gradient.FillGradient(Colors, rct1, "TOP_BOTTOM")
Dim gradientBrush As BCBrush = gradient.CreateBrushFromBitmapCreator(gradient)
bc.Initialize(rct.Width, rct.Height)
bc.DrawRectRounded2(bc.TargetRect, gradientBrush, True, 0, Radius )
cvs.DrawBitmap(bc.Bitmap, rct)
End Sub
'Returns the paint object according to the color string
Public Sub GetPaint(Color As String) As Paint
Private joPaint As JavaObject
joPaint = joPaint.InitializeStatic("javafx.scene.paint.Paint")
Return joPaint.RunMethod("valueOf", Array As Object(Color))
End Sub
'Draws a rouded Rectangle
'x = left coordinate of the surrounding rectangle
'Y = top coordinate of the surrounding rectangle
'Width = width coordinate of the surrounding rectangle
'Height = height coordinate of the surrounding rectangle
'ArcWidth = corner arc width
'ArcHeight = corner arc height
'Color = fx.Colors.Color
'Filled True Filled, False only the line
'Stroke = line width, has no effect when Filled = True
Public Sub DrawRectRounded(MyCanvas As Canvas, x As Double, y As Double, Width As Double, Height As Double, ArcWidth As Double, ArcHeight As Double, Color As Paint, Filled As Boolean, LineWidth As Double)
Private joCanvas, joGraph As JavaObject
joCanvas = MyCanvas
joGraph = joCanvas.RunMethod("getGraphicsContext2D", Null)
If Filled = False Then
joGraph.RunMethod("setStroke", Array As Object(Color))
joGraph.RunMethod("setLineWidth", Array As Object(LineWidth))
joGraph.RunMethod("strokeRoundRect", Array As Object(x, y, Width, Height, ArcWidth, ArcHeight))
joGraph.RunMethod("setFill", Array As Object(Color))
joGraph.RunMethod("fillRoundRect", Array As Object(x, y, Width, Height, ArcWidth, ArcHeight))
End If
End Sub