B4J Code Snippet b4x_cba (B4X Custom Build Action)

Ever since Erel introduced custom build actions I have used a collection of batch files to do certain things when I do a release build eg copy the jar to another folder, compile only etc.

I've finally decided to combine these into a single console application (in C#) instead of a bunch of messy batch files that use RoboCopy, WinRar, 7-zip etc.

This is a single C# console app that you copy to the B4X install folder (eg C:\Program Files\Anywhere Software\B4J) and can use in all of your B4X projects

The tool is free and open source.

The tool and source code is on GitHub - https://github.com/ope-nz/b4x_cba

If you have any suggestions for new custom build actions reply to this topic.

Supported actions;
  • compileonly - returns an error to stop b4x launching the release version of your app
  • copy - copy files or folder
  • copyjar - copys the output jar to another directory
  • buildtime - creates a file named build.txt with the build time
  • updateversion - maintains a version.txt file with increment version number
  • zip - zips a file or folder
  • moveautobackups - moves auto backup files to another directory
  • checksum - writes a SHA256 checksum of the jar file to a text file
  • githubpush - pushes the project code to a GitHub repo

B4X Custom Build Action (b4x_cba)​

This is a C# console application that can be used by B4X for custom build actions.


  1. Copy b4x_cba.exe to your B4X install folder eg C:\Program Files\Anywhere Software\B4J
  2. Set up some custom-build actions in your project


In your custom actions section call b4x_cba.exe with an action and other parameters

#CustomBuildAction: 2, b4x_cba.exe, -action compileonly

Alternatively as an ide link
'Ctrl + click to increment version: ide://run?File=b4x_cba.exe&Args=-action&Args=updateversion

See https://github.com/ope-nz/b4x_cba/blob/main/TestCustomBuildActions.b4j for all examples I use during testing.


The following variables are available when using b4x_cba.exe
  • %JAR% - the full name of the jar file eg "Example.jar"
  • %JAR_NAME% - just the name of the jar file eg "Example"
  • %VERSION% - the version number from version.txt eg 1.0.5
  • %PROJECT_NAME% - the project name eg TestCustomCommands
  • %DATE% - a date string in format yyyyMMdd
  • %TIME% - a time string in format HHmmss

Usage and Supported actions;​


b4x_cba returns a 1 exit statement to B4X which stops the app launching. This is useful for release build when you just want to compile.

NOTE: You should run this action last as it stops any further actions running.

#CustomBuildAction: 2, b4x_cba.exe, -action compileonly


b4x_cba will copy a file or folder from the source to the destination directory. "Files" can be used as a shortcut to the assets folder.

#CustomBuildAction: 2, b4x_cba.exe, -action copy --source ObfuscatorMap.txt -destination D:\Temp


#CustomBuildAction: 2, b4x_cba.exe, -action copy --source src -destination D:\Temp


#CustomBuildAction: folders ready, b4x_cba.exe, -action copy -source D:\Temp\index.html -destination Files


b4x_cba will copy the output jar to the specified destination directory

#CustomBuildAction: 2, b4x_cba.exe, -action copyjar -destination D:\Temp

NOTE: In the first release the second argument was named "directory" this has been changed to "destination" for consistency.


b4x_cba will create a file called build.txt in the Files directory of your project with the current date/time. If you omit the date/time formats they will default to yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.

NOTE: Remember to sync the files after the first run.

#CustomBuildAction: folders ready, b4x_cba.exe, -action buildtime


#CustomBuildAction: folders ready, b4x_cba.exe, -action buildtime -dateformat dd/MM/yyyy -timeformat HH:mm:ss


b4x_cba will create a file called version.txt in the Files directory of your project with an incrementing version number in format 0.0.0-9.9.9

NOTE: Remember to sync the files after the first run.

#CustomBuildAction: folders ready, b4x_cba.exe, -action updateversion


b4x_cba will zip a file or folder from the source to the destination. "Files" can be used as a shortcut to the assets folder. If the source is a file and destination filename is ommitted then the filename will be used but with a .zip extension.

#CustomBuildAction: 2, b4x_cba.exe, -action zip -source ObfuscatorMap.txt -destination D:\Temp\


#CustomBuildAction: 2, b4x_cba.exe, -action zip -source Files -destination D:\Temp


b4x_cba will move all auto backup files from the projects "AutoBackups" folder to another location.

NOTE: The destination is a directory but the tool will create a subfolder with the project name eg if you use D:\Temp the backups will be moved to D:\Temp\ProjectName

#CustomBuildAction: 2, b4x_cba.exe, -action moveautobackups -destination D:\Temp


'Ctrl + click to move autobackups: ide://run?File=b4x_cba.exe&Args=-action&Args=moveautobackups&Args=-destination&Args=D:\Temp


b4x_cba will calulate a SHA256 checksum of the output jar file and write it to a text file

NOTE: If the destination is a folder then the jar name will be used for the checksum eg example.jar will result in example_checksum.txt

#CustomBuildAction: 2, b4x_cba.exe, -action checksum -destination D:\Release


b4x_cba will push the project to a GitHub repository.

'Ctrl + click to push to GitHub: ide://run?File=b4x_cba.exe&Args=-action&Args=githubpush
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Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Does this mean that it is possible to set the built exe to administrator privileges? By changing the description file.
No it doesn’t work with the standalone packager (assuming that’s the exe you’re referring too?)


Active Member
Licensed User
ResourceHacker xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">
  <assemblyIdentity version="" name="MyApplication.app"/>
  <trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2">
      <requestedPrivileges xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
        <requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker" uiAccess="false"/>
This is the xml of the standalone exe generated and packaged by b4j obtained from ResourceHacker, if you change the asInvoker in line 7 to requireAdministrator, then the exe will run with administrator privileges. So I think it's possible to automatically modify this before packaging.
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