Android Question B4XColorTemplate Resizing


Please help me!

I'm using the B4XColorTemplate, and I need it bigger!
It's by default showing at around 50%x and 25%y (roughly), and I need it to be 85%y and 90%x

I've tried:

    Dim s As B4XColorTemplate
    s.mBase.Height = 85%y
    s.mBase.Width = 90%x

    Dim hsvcol As ARGBColor
    Dim inten As Float

    dialog.Title = "Choose colour"
    wait for (dialog.ShowTemplate(s, "Ok", "", "Cancel")) complete (r As Int)

.....etc etc

And whilst the dialog itself shows the correct size, the colour 'image' inside that you chose the colour from is still normal/default size.
How can I resize that to match the dialog window!


This template isn't resizable, however you can unzip XUI Views.b4xlib, extract B4XColorTemplate.bas, rename it and add it to your project. This will allow you to modify its source code.
I've tried this, but its conflicting with the XUIViews library when I import ATB4XColorTemplate.bas as a module.
I'm using XUIViews in other areas also, and obviously B4XColorTemplate relies on other parts of XUIViews.

Clearly I'm doing something wrong here, please advise
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