I can't seem to figure out how I can have all of the items in the customlistview show without scrolling. I also do not need the button area at the bottom of the dialog. Is there a way of doing this within the confines of a B4XListTemplate? Everything I try doesn't work. Thanks for any help.
lstPowers.AddAll(Array As String("Germany", "Soviet Union", "Japan","United States","China", _
"UK Europe", "UK Pacific", "Italy", "ANZAC", "France"))
TemplateDlg.PutAtTop = True
TemplateDlg.Title = csMsgTitle
TemplateDlg.TitleBarHeight = 50dip
TemplateDlg.TitleBarColor = Steel
TemplateDlg.BackgroundColor = xui.Color_Black
TemplateDlg.BorderWidth = 10
TemplateDlg.BorderColor = Steel
TemplateDlg.BorderCornersRadius = 10
TemplateDlg.Base.Height = 800dip ' just seeing if this has any effect
tmpList.Options = lstPowers
tmpList.CustomListView1.DesignerLabel.Typeface = fntMsgNormal
tmpList.CustomListView1.PressedColor = xui.Color_RGB(126, 180, 250)
tmpList.CustomListView1.DefaultTextBackgroundColor = Colors.Black
tmpList.CustomListView1.DefaultTextColor = xui.Color_White
tmpList.CustomListView1.sv.ScrollViewInnerPanel.Color = xui.Color_Red
tmpList.AllowMultiSelection = False
Dim rs As ResumableSub = TemplateDlg.ShowTemplate(tmpList, "", "", "")
Wait For (rs) Complete (Result As Int)
If Result = xui.DialogResponse_Positive Then
For i = 0 To tmpList.SelectedItems.size - 1
strPower = tmpList.SelectedItems.Get(i)
End If