Android Question B4XDialog statement and question


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With regards to the class of haB4XMsgBox....

I also find interesting in this example class, is the stacking of Wait For. No less than 3 calls here...

The first call: (any) Activity call for MsgBox...
Dim msgContent As String = "Please select your intention...."
Wait For (Dialog.Show(Chr(0xF0E7)&" Get FREE Stuff!",msgContent,Chr(0xF046), "PERHAPS LATER", "NO THANKS") ) Complete (Result As Int)
Second Wait in MsgBox class:
Public Sub Show....
Wait For (ShowCustom(p, Yes, No, Cancel)) Complete (Result As Int)
Third Wait in MsgBox class:
Public Sub ShowCustom....
Wait For CloseMessage (Result As Int) ' wait for any button press
Nice... wait, wait, wait.

BUT, what is really perplexing (interesting) is this:
Public Sub Close (Result As Int) As Boolean
If getVisible Then
CallSubDelayed2(Me, "CloseMessage", Result) ' don't know where this sub resides....
Return True
End If
Return False
End Sub
A formal declared "CloseMessage" SUB does not exist in this class???
The only reference is contained in the Sub ShowCustom... [ Wait For CloseMessage (Result As Int) ]

WT-Heck? Does the statement: [ Wait For CloseMessage (Result As Int) ] "create" a sudo-sub that CallSubDelayed2(Me,"CloseMessage", Result) can call?

Mr. @Erel , "Tear Down This Wall!" - (for my lack of comprehension).



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1. Please use [code]code here...[/code] tags when posting code.

Does the statement: [ Wait For CloseMessage (Result As Int) ] "create" a sudo-sub that CallSubDelayed2(Me,"CloseMessage", Result) can call?
It is very similar to:
Dim j As HttpJob
Wait For JobDone (j As HttpJob)
There is no JobDone sub.

The Wait For calls intercept the events before they reach the event sub (if such sub exists).
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks, now I understand. Very good explanation.

What tripped me was "there used to be" a JobDone event that we used.
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