Android Question B4XDialog Template Resize


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Good morning,
I have searched the forums for some time, but have not found a way to resize a input template.

This is the point i am at, any advice / support would be great!

        Dim input As B4XInputTemplate
        'input.Resize(input.GetPanel().RootPanel.Width * 0.8, input.GetPanel.RootPanel.Height * 0.8) ' Test 9000
        input.RegexPattern = ".+" 'require at least one character
        Dim base As B4XView = dialog.Base ' Test 2
        base.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 0, 0, 300dip, 600dip)   'Test2
        'base.Resize(95%x,60%y) ' Test 1
        Wait For (dialog.ShowTemplate(input, "OK", "", "CANCEL")) Complete (Result As Int)
        'dialog.Base.Top = 50%y - dialog.Base.Height / 2 ' Test 3

        If Result = xui.DialogResponse_Positive Then
            dialog.Show(input.Text, "OK", "", "")
        End If