For Password Field, when I click the reveal (eye) button, the alignment changed to Left.
However this does not happen when clicking on the clear (x) button.
Private Sub B4XFloatTextField1_PasswordRevealChanged (Revealed As Boolean)
Sender.As(B4XFloatTextField).TextField.SetTextAlignment("CENTER", "CENTER")
End Sub
It works fine. And the movement isn't noticeable in release mode.
Private Sub B4XFloatTextField1_PasswordRevealChanged (Revealed As Boolean)
Sender.As(B4XFloatTextField).TextField.SetTextAlignment("CENTER", "CENTER")
End Sub
It works fine. And the movement isn't noticeable in release mode.
It happens because the text field is replaced and then the event is raised with CallSubDelayed. I don't think that you will be able to workaround it without modifying the source code. It is possible add B4XFloatTextField to your project and keep using XUI Views. You can then change the event to use CallSub instead of CallSubDelayed.