Wish B4XFloatTextField - Enter pressed


Licensed User
Longtime User
The event EnterPressed correctly triggers when the user clicks on the check icon.

At least with B4J, it would be useful if the event was also triggered by pressing the Enter key on the real keyboard.

(I don't know if it is feasible or if it would be possible to do it by code if the View had other events).
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Instead... quickly found it and... it works ?
I think I also found out why it seemed to me not to work - and therefore to my amazement now:

I had put a break point in the event routine but the form was full screen and it remains in the foreground in these cases (debug mode, breakpoint) and therefore it seems that nothing has happened.

I will add a Wish for this (in case of a breakpoint, bring the editor to the foreground).
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