Android Question B4xFloatTextField focus event


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Is there a focuschanged event for the B4xFloatTextField?
If so, how?


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Yes, I could see the available events, but you have, in the past shown "undocumented" events/methods that have been very helpful

I have created a large "form" that spans more than one screen. I want to be able to scroll the form to show the focused b4xFloatTextField so the user can see what they are typing.
Other ideas are welcome.
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Eldad Onojetah

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I usually have the following in my Manifest editor
SetActivityAttribute(_name_of_activity_here, android:windowSoftInputMode, stateHidden|adjustResize)
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Thanks Eldad, I have this in my manifest already, but am not clear what it is supposed to do.
can you please advise?
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Alternately, I'd like to invoke an input dialog that will bring the input field to the forefront; allow entry and then disappear, but I still need to know which view has focus...I think...
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Thanks for all the help. The B4xPreferencedDialog is what I need.
(However, the OPTIONS display is inconsistent with Text, numeric and password display. OPTIONS displays as bold and the hint is to the left instead of above like the rest...)
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Android is supposed to automatically scroll the input field into view. Isn't it happening for you?
No...Thanks though
I'm converting to B4xPreferencedDialog...
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Ok, this is working well, except I still need a Focus event or even a Click event.
The reason is because I need to display a "Tool Tip" for the item being edited.
I can see the IME Height changed event, which could work, but there is no SENDER or way (I can see) to detect which item within the dialog was clicked, focused, etc. to determine the proper tooltip.
BTW, the tooltip is available within a type structure within the preference dialog class, but since there is no focus event, the tooltip can't get set.
Any ideas/suggestions are appreciated
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