I've created an ABMaterial WebApp to show the documentation for the libraries. Everyone who created a library for B4A, B4i or B4J can upload their .xml file to the WebApp and everyone can consult it. One can re-upload a new version for a library if needed.
NOTE: not online anymore. You have the source code of the app in the download zip file of ABMaterial and can setup one yourself.
NOTE: not online anymore. You have the source code of the app in the download zip file of ABMaterial and can setup one yourself.

- Try to keep the WebApp clean please. Thank you!
- This WebApp is running on my personal Raspberry Pi with not a super-duper internet connection, so it also may give some indication how it handles a lot of users.
- The libraries itself are NOT uploaded to the WebApp! Only the .xml files to parse them.
- The source code will be available in the ABMaterial 3.75+ releases, so you can run your personal B4XHelp WebApp. (For ABMaterial users, this is a great example of a single-page WebApp).
- This WebApp runs on a Http2 server, but I do not have a verified certificate, so you will get a warning that it may not be safe. You normally only need to accept this once.

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