Wish B4XImageView Android Version Fix

Jack Cole

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With Android v4, I get the following crash when using B4XImageView.

This is fixable with the following modification to the B4XImageView.bas inside of the XUI Views library. I don't always remember to do this after B4A is updated and I end up finding the crashes later. Could you include this in the official code?

Private Sub UpdateClip
    If mRound Then
        mBase.SetColorAndBorder(mBackgroundColor, 0, 0, Min(mBase.Width / 2, mBase.Height / 2))
        mBase.SetColorAndBorder(mBackgroundColor, 0, 0, mCornersRadius)
    End If
#if B4J
    Dim jo As JavaObject = mBase
    Dim shape As JavaObject
    If mRound Then
        Dim radius As Double = Min(mBase.Width / 2, mBase.Height / 2)
        Dim cx As Double = mBase.Width / 2
        Dim cy As Double = mBase.Height / 2
        shape.InitializeNewInstance("javafx.scene.shape.Circle", Array(cx, cy, radius))
        Dim cx As Double = mBase.Width
        Dim cy As Double = mBase.Height
        shape.InitializeNewInstance("javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle", Array(cx, cy))
        If mCornersRadius > 0 Then
            Dim d As Double = mCornersRadius
            shape.RunMethod("setArcHeight", Array(d))
            shape.RunMethod("setArcWidth", Array(d))
        End If
    End If
    jo.RunMethod("setClip", Array(shape))
#else if B4A
        Dim jo As JavaObject = mBase
        jo.RunMethod("setClipToOutline", Array(mRound Or mCornersRadius > 0))
    End Try
#end if
End Sub


Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
One thing I have been doing is pulling the code out from the XUI Views library and adding it directly to my project.


Licensed User
Longtime User
With Android v4, I get the following crash when using B4XImageView.
2. In B4A the shape is based on the set background (as in B4i). We only need to call setClipToOuline. Note that it is available in Android 5+ (minSdkVersion=21).
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