Wish B4XPages - After adding a new B4XPage also add automatically this page in the 2 other IDEs

Alexander Stolte

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Longtime User
If you have a B4XPage app and you add a new B4XPage to the parent folder, then you have to add this page manually in the 2 other IDEs.

Wouldn't it be better if these are then automatically added to the 2 IDEs?

That would be a smoother cross platform experience
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Perhaps it could be partially solved with some sort of comment link?

Something like this naïve approach:
'Ctrl + click to import all B4XPages in project root dir: ide://run?file=%B4X%\ImportPages.jar

(Partially, because it wouldn't be automatic but instead need a click in the IDE.)
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Licensed User
Longtime User
+1 also
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