Android Question [B4XPages] B4XPage_Resize event does not fire


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I'm trying to resize my B4XPages app under the following condition:
I open my app in window mode (Huawei's EMUI 10.1 has this feature. I don't know about other implementations).
When I maximize the window, the layout remains to the initial dimensions.
I have noticed that when I maximize the window, the B4XPage_Resize event does not fire but I'm not sure if it should be.
Anyway, the issue of my post is that I'm trying to resize the app when the window is being maximized.
Is there any suggestion?

Thank you in advance

Hamied Abou Hulaikah

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For resizing window, it is better to depend on script window in layout designer, write your resizing script there.
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Hello @HAH!
Thank you for your response!
I've tried to do that, defining that the root panel of my layout will have width = 100%x and height = 100%y but no change happened!
Is the resizing script another kind of script with specific syntax?
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Check that you haven't unchecked the handle resize event in the Main view in the designer.

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because on B4A this checkbox does not exists.

On B4A the Base_Resize-Event is not fireing, because theres is no such event.
Hello Alexander!
Thank you! I have noticed that B4XPage_Resize does not fire.
Do you know the way to resize my view when window is resized?
I have added to the manifest the
SetActivityAttribute(Main, android:resizeableActivity, "true")
but I can't figure out how to trigger the window resizing!
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Jorge M A

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Maybe this can help.
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