Hello, I'm displaying an InterstitialAd on the B4Xpages main page. When the ad is clicked, it redirects to the ad page, but when I click on the close button, nothing happens. It doesn't close the ad.
The following Google warning appears on the log screen. I'm using it for the first time, and I don't have any knowledge. What should I do?
Can you help me with this issue, please?
The following Google warning appears on the log screen. I'm using it for the first time, and I don't have any knowledge. What should I do?
<Google> Status bar could not be hidden for full-screen ad. Ensure that your app is configured to allow full-screen ads to control the status bar. For example, consider whether you need to set the childViewControllerForStatusBarHidden property on your ad's rootViewController.
Can you help me with this issue, please?